Kelsey Matthews

Assistant Professor

Office: Hagey Hall 386E

Image of Kelsey Matthews

Phone: 519-888-4567 x41967


Education and certifications

  • Ph.D. in Accounting, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • CPA, CA


  • Matthews, K., 2021. Consequences of labor cost reduction practices: A structured literature review. Accounting Perspectives 20 (4): 687–718.
  • Berger, L., L. Guo, K. Matthews, and C. Wong. 2024. Strategic bias in team members’ communication about relative contributions: The effects of voluntary communication and explanation. Behavioral Research in Accounting. Advance online publication.

Working papers

  • Paying employees to quit: An experimental study of sorting and (de)motivational effects, with Leslie Berger, Lan Guo, and Bradley Ruffle
  • Strategic bias in team member communication: The effects of voluntary communication and explanation, with Leslie Berger, Lan Guo, and Christopher Wong
  • Professional employees’ voluntary furlough decisions, with Leslie Berger and Lan Guo
  • Investigating the use of voluntary furloughs to reduce labour costs: The effect on employee effort