Email: sgunz@uwaterloo.ca
Education and certifications
- BA (Sydney)
- LLB (Sydney)
- MA (Sydney)
- MBA (Manchester)
Brief biography
My present research interests are primarily in the field of applied ethics, specifically as it applies to members of professions. I am currently engaged in a project examining decision making by lawyers in private practice. I also work in the area of legal and ethical responsibilities of accountants and actuaries.
Selected publications
Kelly, Khim, Dinovitzer, Ronit, Sally Gunz, Hugh Gunz. Forthcoming 2020. “The Interaction of Perceived Subjectivity and Pay Transparency on Professional Judgment in a Profit Pool Setting: The Case of Large Law Firms.” The Accounting Review, forthcoming.
Sally Gunz and Marianne Jennings, University Legal Counsel: The Role and Its Challenges, Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, Vol 33 (1), 2019, 177-220.
- Hugh Gunz & Sally Gunz, Ethical Challenges in the Role of In-House Counsel, 69 Case Western Reserve Law Review (2019), 1.
- Sally Gunz, Linda Whittaker (2016) Rock, Paper, Protest: the fight for the Boreal Forest, Journal of Legal Studies Education, 33 (2), 217-360.
- Roy Suddaby, Greg Saxton, Sally Gunz, Twittering Change: The Role of New Media in Reconstructing the Professional Identity of Big Four Accountants, Accounting, Organizationsa nd Society. Society, Accounting, Organizations and Society, (2015), pp. 52-68.
- Ronit Dinoviter, Hugh Gunz, Sally Gunz, The changing landscape of corporate legal practices: An empirical study of lawyers in large corporate law firms. Canadian Bar Review, 2015, 93, 343-369.
- Ronit Dinovitzer, Hugh Gunz, Sally Gunz, Unpacking client capture: evidence from corporate law firms. Ronit Dinovitzer, Hugh Gunz, Sally Gunz, Professional Ethics: Origins, Applications, and Developments in Empson, L., Muzio, D., Broschak, J. & Hinings, B. (Eds) 2015. The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 113-134.
- Ronit Dinovitzer, Hugh Gunz, Sally Gunz, Corporate lawyers and their clients: walking the line between law and business, Journal of the Legal Profession, 21:1, 3-21, 2014.
Ronit Dinovitzer,
gunz, Sally Gunz, Unpacking client capture: evidence from corporate law firms, Journal of Professions and Organizations, Volume 1(2), 99-117, 2014. - Stephen Zeff, Vaughan Radcliffe, Sally Gunz, Accounting and Auditing Activities of the Ontario Securities Commission, 1960's to 2008: The Role and Performance of the First Five Chief Accountants: - Part 3: The Fifth Chief Accountant, 1996-2008, Accounting Perspectives, Volume 13, Issue 4, 223-252, 2014.
- Ian Burt, Sally Gunz, John McCutcheon, Warning Lights on the Dashboard, Accounting Perspectives, Volume 13, Issue 3, 189-195. 2014.
- Ronit Dinovitzer, Hugh Gunz, Sally Gunz, Reconsidering Lawyer Autonomy: The Nexus Between Firm, Lawyer and Client in Large Commercial Practice, American Business Law Journal. Volume 51, Issue 3, 661-719, Fall 2014.
- Gunz, S. 'Accounting and business ethics' (2012) in R.Chadwick (Editor-in-chief) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, 2nd edn., Amsterdam: Elsevier pp.7-16.
- Gunz, S., M. Jennings, "A Proactive Proposal for Self-Regulation of the Actuarial Profession: A Means of Avoiding the Audit Profession's Post-Enron Regulatory Fate", American Business Law Journal, Volume 48, Issue 4, 641–711, Winter 2011.
- Bagley, C., S. Gunz, A. Naby Smith, “Research in Motion’s BlackBerry:Balancing Privacy Rights and National Security,” Yale School of Management case 11-011, 2011 (22 pp.).
- Gunz, S., S, van der Laan, "Actuaries, Conflicts of Interest and Professional Independence: The Case of James Hardie Industries Limited", Journal of Business Ethics, volume 98, No 4 (2011), 583.
Editor/Associate Editor
thematic Symposium, Journal of Business Ethics 2014-2015 - Staff Editor, Journal of Legal Studies Education, Special Issue Editor, Journal of Business Ethics 2014
- Best Paper Award, Journal of Professions and Organizations, 2014-2015 (Ronit Dinovitzer, Hugh Gunz, Sally Gunz, Unpacking client capture: evidence from corporate law firms
- Outstanding Performance Award, University of Waterloo, 2014
- Canadian Association of University Teachers, Dedicated Service Award, 2013
- Indiana University CIBER/ALSB International Case Writing Award 2009 (with J. McCutcheon)
- Master Teacher Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business with Darren Charters, 2006
- Indiana University CIBER/ALSB International Case Writing Award 2002 (with J. McCutcheon)
- Kay Duffy Memorial Board, Academy of Legal Studies in Business, for "services to the Academy", 2001
- Holmes-Cardozo Excellence in Research Award of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, 2001
- Awarded for the paper: S. Gunz, H. Gunz, "The lawyer's response to organizational professional conflict: an empirical study of the ethical decision making of in-house counsel", 2001
Professional service
- President, Canadian Academy of Legal Studies in Business
- Former President, Academy of Legal Studies in Business
- Member, Board of Directors, EthicsCentreCA (Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy)
Courses taught
- Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) 231 - Business Law
- AFM 431 - Advanced topics in Law and Ethics