Associate Professor and Research Fellow, Assurance

Associate Director, UW Centre for Information Integrity & Information Systems Assurance
Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor
Office: HH 289C
Phone: 519-888-4567 x42533
Education and certifications
- PhD, Accounting (University of Waterloo) 2011
- MAcc (University of Waterloo) 2003
- BA, Accountancy (University of Waterloo) 2002
- Chartered Professional Accountant, CA (Ontario) 2005
Research interests
My research is behavioural - primarily experiments, but interviews too - and largely focuses on aspects of relationships within the audit context, such as how auditors relate to other auditors (e.g., advisors), teams, non-audit specialists, clients, regulators, and the accounting profession. More generally I am interested in the judgment and decision-making of individuals (particularly accounting professionals) in accounting or business settings. Often I have conducted my research with colleagues who are, or were at the outset, PhD students and I am eager to support research pursuits of future students.
Selected publications
Bauer, T. D., J. E. Boritz, K. Fiolleau, B. Pomeroy, A. Vitalis, and P. Wang. 2024. Cataloguing the Marketplace of Assurance Service Areas. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 43 (4): 49-75.
Bauer, T. D., K. A. Humphreys, and K. T. Trotman. 2022. Group Judgment and Decision Making in Auditing: Research in the Time of Covid-19 and Beyond. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 41 (1): 3-23.
Bauer, T. D., S. M. Hillison, M. E. Peecher, and B. Pomeroy. 2020. Revising Audit Plans to Address Fraud Risk: A Case of "Do as I Advise not as I Do?". Contemporary Accounting Research 37 (4): 2558-2589.
Bauer, T. D., A. C. Bucaro, and C. Estep. 2020. The Unintended Consequences of Material Weakness Reporting on Auditors’ Acceptance of Aggressive Client Reporting. The Accounting Review 95 (4): 51-72.
Autrey, R. L., T. D. Bauer, K. E. Jackson, and E. Klevsky. 2019. Deploying “Connectors”: A Control to Manage Employee Turnover Intentions? Accounting, Organizations and Society 79: 36-49.
Bauer, T. D. and C. Estep. 2019. One Team or Two? Investigating Relationship Quality between Auditors and IT Specialists: Implications for Audit Team Identity and the Audit Process. Contemporary Accounting Research 36 (4): 2142-2171.
Trotman, K. T., T. D. Bauer, and K. A. Humphreys. 2015. Group Judgment and Decision Making in Auditing: Past and Future Research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 47: 56-72.
Bauer, T. D. 2015. The Effects of Client Identity Strength and Professional Identity Salience on Auditor Judgments. The Accounting Review 90 (1): 95-114.
Bauer, T. D., B. Dehning, and T. C. Stratopoulos. 2012. The Financial Performance of Global Information and Communication Technology Companies. Journal of Information Systems 26 (2): 119-152.
Working papers
Please refer to author pages of SSRN or Google Scholar for current working papers; otherwise available upon request.
Editorial boards
- Accounting, Organizations and Society, present
- Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory,2017-present
- Contemporary Accounting Research, 2013-present
2024 AJPT Best Paper Award, AAA Auditing Section, 2024
2023 Impact on Practice Award, AAA Management Accounting Section, 2024
Distinguished Alumnus, School of Accounting and Finance Fellowship Program, University of Waterloo, 2004-14, 2020-present
AJPT Award for Outstanding Reviewer Performance, AAA Auditing Section, 2021
Arts Award for Excellence in Research, University of Waterloo, 2020
List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, University of Illinois, 2013-14, 2016-2017
- SSHRC Insight Development Grant, "Managing the Remote Audit - The Effect of Management Style and Algorithmic vs. Human Managers on Auditor Behaviors and Outcomes", with S. Seo and J. Ulla, 2023-2025, $71,780
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant, "Troublesome Clients: What do Auditors Experience and How do They Deal With It", 2022-2026, $94,676
- Center for Audit Quality (CAQ), "The Unintended Consequences of Material Weakness Reporting on Auditors' Acceptance of Aggressive Client Reporting", with A. Bucaro and C. Estep, 2017, access to 150 auditor professionals
- SSHRC Insight Development Grant, "Who are the Risk-Takers?", with A. Bauer and D. Curran, 2015-2017, $74,000
- Canadian Financial Executives Research Foundation (CFERF), "Corporate Reporting Awards and Financial Reporting Quality", with J. E. Boritz, 2008, $10,000