Assistant Professor, Managerial Accounting

- Ph.D. in Accounting, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Research Master in Accounting, Tilburg University
- B.S. in Accounting, Fudan University
Research Interests
I am primarily interested in conducting management accounting research with a focus on the behavioral research methods. My research combines insights from economics and psychology, with the tool of lab experiments, to study how accounting information and management control systems facilitate employee decision-making, motivation, and creativity.
Working papers
- “Trust versus Rewards: Revisiting Managerial Discretion in Incomplete Contracts” (Dissertation and Job Market Paper)
- “Juggling Creativity and Productivity: How Incentive Scheme and Discretion in Task Switching Affect Creativity in a Multitask Environment” (with Jeffrey Hales and Ivo Tafkov)
- “Rejections, Incentives and Employee Creativity: When Chocolate Is Better Than Cash” (with Eddy Cardinaels and Bart Dierynck)
- “Fit for Purpose: The Effect of Informal Control Communication Style and Contract Frames on Employee Goal Alignment” (with Jeffrey Hales and Jordan Samet)
- Emerging Scholar Award, ABO Section Research Conference, 2021
- IMA Research Foundation: Doctoral Scholars Stage III Grant recipient , 2021
- Outstanding Reviewer Award of MAS Midyear Meeting, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
- Outstanding Reviewer Award of AAA Annual Meeting, 2021