Co-op Academic/Work Sequence FAQ

The following webpage provides a list of the commonly asked questions from students about co-op, study stream changes, and course enrollment.  Please select the header that pertains to you: Overview, Academic/Work Term Sequence, Course Enrollment, and Other Questions.


What is co-op?

Co-operative education (or co-op) allows uWaterloo students to apply what they have learned in class and put it into practice within an actual work setting. Co-op is a great way for students to find out what they enjoy in a workplace and job position before they have even graduated. It's also an excellent way to fund studies and network full-time positions.

Co-op is a mandatory component of all SAF programs. All students enrolled in a SAF program must complete co-op requirements as degree requirements to graduate. Students alternate between work and study terms throughout their degree. For more information on co-op, refer to the Undergraduate Calendar and the University's co-op page.

As an AFM student, how many co-op work terms and PD (professional development) credits must I complete before graduation?

All AFM students must complete four work terms to satisfy their degree requirements. AFM students may not have additional work terms.

All AFM students must complete four PD credits to satisfy their undergraduate degree requirements: PD 1, PD 12 and two more PD courses of their choice. Once they have successfully completed four PD courses, taking additional PD courses optional but no longer necessary.

Academic/Work Term Sequence

What is my default sequence?

The following chart identifies the sequences of study and co-op terms for the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM), Sustainability and Financial Management (SFM), Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy (Math/CPA) and Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy (Biotech/CPA) programs.

All AFM, SFM, and Math/CPA students must follow one of the six streams identified in the chart below. These students are assigned to Stream 1 as the default upon admission.

Biotech/CPA students are assigned to Stream 2 upon admission and this is the only academic/work sequence in the program.

Computing and Financial Management (CFM) students follow their own co-op sequence; more information is available on the CFM website.

Academic/Work Term Sequence Chart

Fall term = September to December
Winter term = January to April
Spring term = May to August



Stream 1


Stream 2

Stream 3

Steam 4

Stream 5

Stream 6



Study Term 1A

Study Term 1A

Study Term 1A

Study Term 1A

Study Term 1A

Study Term 1A


Study Term 1B

Study Term 1B

Study Term 1B

Study Term 1B

Study Term 1B

Study Term 1B










Study Term 2A

Study Term 2A

Study Term 2A

Study Term 2A

Study Term 2A

Study Term 2A


Co-op Term 1

Co-op Term 1

Co-op Term 1

Co-op Term 1

Co-op Term 1

Co-op Term 1


Study Term 2B

Study Term 2B

Study Term 2B

Study Term 2B

Study Term 2B

Study Term 2B



Co-op Term 2

Co-op Term 2

Co-op Term 2

Study Term 3A

Study Term 3A

Study Term 3A


Study Term 3A

Study Term 3A

Study Term 3A

Co-op Term 2

Co-op Term 2

Co-op Term 2


Study Term 3B

Study Term 3B

Study Term 3B

Study Term 3B

Study Term 3B

Study Term 3B



Co-op Term 3

Study Term 4A

Co-op Term 3

Co-op Term 3

Study Term 4A

Co-op Term 3


Study Term 4A

Co-op Term 3

Co-op Term 4

Study Term 4A

Co-op Term 3

Co-op Term 4


Co-op Term 4

Co-op Term 4

Study Term 4A

Co-op Term 4

Co-op Term 4

Study Term 4A



Study Term 4B

Study Term 4B

Study Term 4B

Study Term 4B

Study Term 4B

Study Term 4B

How can I switch my academic/work sequence?

Requests to change your academic/work sequence will be approved ONLY if one of the following conditions are met:

  1. You have found employment for a future work term and the timing of this pre-arranged employment requires you to change streams
  2. You have failed a degree-required course and it’s availability in the future requires you to change the timing of a future work term.
  3. You have been approved for an academic exchange
  4. You remain unemployed for a fall work term following participation in the WaterlooWorks employment search process in the spring term. Note: Every Spring term, the School communicates the date after which you may request a sequence change following your fall job search.

Request to change your academic/work sequence here.

When will my academic/work sequence request be approved?

Your sequence request can take up to 10 business days to be processed.

How will I know when my academic/work sequence request has been approved?

Your work term cards in WaterlooWorks will be amended to reflect your new sequence. Please allow 48 hours for the information to be updated in Quest.

When can I apply to take an 8-month work term?

Students have the option to do an 8-month co-op for WT3 and WT4: Fall and Winter, or Winter and Spring. Students cannot do an 8 month work term during any other period without delaying their graduation.

Course Enrollment

Once my academic/work sequence request has been approved, how do I add courses?

There are multiple times throughout a semester to add your courses for the following term. Once one date has passed, you must wait until the next date.

  1. Course Selection (approximately three months before the term starts)
  2. Enrollment Appointment (self-enroll through Quest)
  3. Open Enrollment - typically begins in March, July, or November and lasts until the 2nd week of the term (see important dates).

The class size looks like it's almost full, what should I do?

Class sizes sometimes appear lower than what is actually available. This is necessary to balance class sizes. Please wait until the add/drop period to be able to see the spaces available in the class.

If I'm scheduled for a work term for the next term, can I still enroll in 5 courses just in case I don't find a job?

No, if you're scheduled for a work term, you are expected to be looking for a co-op job and Quest will not allow you to enroll in more than 1 course (0.5 units).

Other Questions

I can't follow one of the prescribed academic/work sequences or I need to take a term off, is this possible? What are the co-op implications?

Co-op students are required to be enrolled full-time in honours co-op from admission through to graduation. Sometimes a student finds it necessary to take some time away from their studies due to extenuating or unforeseen circumstances. If you find yourself in this situation, whatever the reason may be, you will need to take an entire year off so that you can return to your prescribed work/study sequence after your break. If you require time away from the program of less than one year and/or you cannot follow one of the prescribed academic/work sequences, you must speak with the SAF Academic Advisors.

I'm on a study term and noticed I was charged a co-op fee. Is this a mistake?

No. Co-op fees are assessed each academic term from 2A to 4B. For additional clarification, please refer to Co-operative Education's Co-op fee FAQs.

I'm planning on doing an international exchange, will I still have access to WaterlooWorks?

Yes, students will still have access to WaterlooWorks to apply to jobs. It can be challenging, however, trying to apply and coordinate interviews from different countries with different time zones. SAF’s recommends that students try to pre-arrange employment before leaving for their exchange.

I still have questions, who can I talk to?

If your question isn’t covered in this FAQ page (i.e. what happens with regard to outstanding student loans), it might mean we are not generally knowledgeable about such situations. We recommend following up with the relevant department on campus directly (i.e. Student Financial Services). If you're unsure who to contact, please e-mail SAF Advisors.