This learning contract binds you to commit to develop yourself personally and professionally this semester through the myBusiness program. Why are you interested in joining the myBusiness learning contract? (150 words max) I am committed to developing myself professionally and personally by completing all of the modules of the myBusiness program. By selecting "Yes", you will be added to the specific LEARN page for myBusiness where the learning modules are housed. Yes No What is your level of study? (i.e 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B etc.) What SCBUS workshop will you be enrolled in during Winter 2022? SCBUS 122 SCBUS 225 SCBUS 424 SCBUS 425 Leave this field blank
This learning contract binds you to commit to develop yourself personally and professionally this semester through the myBusiness program. Why are you interested in joining the myBusiness learning contract? (150 words max) I am committed to developing myself professionally and personally by completing all of the modules of the myBusiness program. By selecting "Yes", you will be added to the specific LEARN page for myBusiness where the learning modules are housed. Yes No What is your level of study? (i.e 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B etc.) What SCBUS workshop will you be enrolled in during Winter 2022? SCBUS 122 SCBUS 225 SCBUS 424 SCBUS 425 Leave this field blank