Policy 66 – Use of University Resources and Affiliation

Established: March 31, 1999

Class: G


University resources, including services provided by support staff, are to be used for the conduct of University-related activities. Members of the UW community who wish to use University resources or facilities for private business or other purposes must first obtain the written approval of their department head. In seeking this approval, the nature of such purposes must be disclosed and the anticipated University facilities and resources to be used must be identified. Those approving such requests are responsible for ensuring that the University is reimbursed for any direct costs incurred (such as supplies, printing, photocopying).

Work arising out of research

Work such as typing of book manuscripts or research contract reports may be incorporated into staff members' workloads in academic departments. Where possible, it is expected that applicants for research grants and/or contracts will make provision in their funding requests for budget to support such services, and will reimburse the department appropriately.

Work of a personal or private nature

Support staff are not required to do such work and should direct to their department Head any questions about the appropriateness or quantity of work requested of them or about the conditions under which they are expected to work.

Additional paid work

Support staff are expected to consult their department Heads before accepting additional paid work at the University outside their home departments. Support staff may make private arrangements with students for typing their work (e.g., theses and term papers) outside normal working hours. Departmental approval is required if University resources or facilities are to be used, and any direct costs must be reimbursed to the department in which the work is performed.


In keeping with the spirit and purpose of the University, it is appropriate for members to hold positions on any issue, however controversial, but members must not imply (e.g., through the use of UW letterhead) that the University endorses or supports their private opinions and activities, and should avoid confusion as to whether they are acting as individuals or as University representatives.