Tenure and Promotion Appeals are managed in the Secretariat. A negative tenure or promotion decision may be appealed and follows the process outlined in Policy 77.
Members of the Tribunal normally shall be or shall have been tenured Associate Professors or Professors at the University of Waterloo in the candidate's discipline or a related discipline. They shall not have had any prior connection with the particular tenure or promotion consideration nor have had a close professional or personal relationship with the candidate.
The candidate and the President shall each propose at least three possible Tribunal members in accordance with the above criteria, and shall be given the opportunity to challenge in writing the names proposed by the other party with respect to the criteria or for bias, apprehension of bias or perceived conflict of interest.
The University Tenure and Promotion Advisory Committee (UTPAC) Chair normally shall appoint the three Tribunal members from the names proposed, including at least one member proposed by each of the parties, and shall name one of the members as the Tribunal Chair.
The Secretary to any University Tenure and Promotion Appeals is Tim Weber-Kraljevski