The Master of Actuarial Science program celebrates 10 wonderful years

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

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The Master’s of Actuarial Science program (MActSc) celebrated its 10 year anniversary with a banquet dinner on Friday May 31, 2019, welcoming back MActSc alumni, faculty, and special guests. 

At the dinner, the faculty's newest scholarship, the Mary R. Hardy Graduate Award in Actuarial Science was announced.

Overview of Fed Hall
This endowed award was created in recognition of Mary Hardy’s immense contributions to the program and the actuarial profession. This award will be given annually to an incoming MActSc student who demonstrates both academic excellence and a strong commitment to serving the public good through volunteering and community service.

It’s not too late to donate!  Please join us in honouring Mary Hardy by supporting this award. Contributions of any size can be made on the scholarship website.

We are grateful for the support of our corporate donors: Fairfax Financial, Moody’s Corporation, and Aviva, as well as the many individual donors, pictured below.

Scholarship donors