Contact Information:
Richard J. Cook
My personal website
My books with Jerry Lawless
Biostatistics graduate program
Research interests
My research interests include the development and application of statistical methods for public health. Specific areas of interest include the analysis of life history data, longitudinal data, incomplete data, sequential methods, multivariate analysis, clinical trial design, and the assessment of diagnostic tests.
Selected publications
Wu Y, Cook RJ (2018). Variable selection and prediction in biased samples with censored outcomes. Lifetime Data Analysis, 24 (1), 72-93.
Boher JM, Filleron T, Giorgi R, Kramar A, Cook RJ (2017). Goodness-of-fit test for monotone proportional subdistribution hazards assumptions based on weighted residuals. Statistics in Medicine, 36 (2), 362-377.
McIsaac MA, Cook RJ (2017). Statistical methods for incomplete data: some results on model misspecification. Statistical Methods for Medical Research, 26 (1), 248-267.
Wu Y, Cook RJ (2017). A two-phase model for chronic disease processes under intermittent observation. Statistics in Medicine, 36 (13), 2016-2031.
Boruvka A, Cook RJ (2016). Sieve estimation in a Markov illness-death process under dual censoring. Biostatistics, 17 (2), 350-363.
Sutradhar R, Cook RJ (2016). A conditional frailty model for bivariate interval-truncated failure time data: an application to a study on siblings diagnosed with schizophrenia. Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics, 4, Article 1, 1-9.
Zhong Y, Cook RJ (2016). Augmented composite likelihood for copula modeling in family studies under biased sampling. Biostatistics, 17 (3), 437-452.
Aalen OO, Cook RJ, Roysland K (2015). Does Cox analysis of a randomized survival study yield a causal treatment effect? Lifetime Data Analysis, 21 (4), 579-593.
Boruvka A, Cook RJ (2015). A Cox-Aalen model for interval-censored data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 42(2), 414-426.
McIsaac MA, Cook RJ (2015). Adaptive sampling in two-phase designs: a biomarker study for progression in arthritis. Statistics in Medicine, 34 (21), 2899-2912.
Shen H, Cook RJ (2015). Analysis of interval-censored recurrent event processes subject to resolution. Biometrical Journal, 57 (5), 725-742.
Wu Y, Cook RJ (2015). Penalized regression for interval-censored times of disease progression: selection of HLA markers in psoriatic arthritis. Biometrics, 71 (3), 782-791.
Zeng L, Cook RJ, Wen L, Boruvka A (2015). Bias in progression-free survival analysis due to intermittent assessment of progression. Statistics in Medicine, 34 (24), 3181-3193.
Zhao J, Cook RJ, Wu C (2015). Multiple imputation for the analysis of incomplete compound variables. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 43(2), 240-264.
Zhong Y, Cook RJ (2015). Sample size and robust marginal methods for cluster-randomized trials with censored event times. Statistics in Medicine, 34(6), 901-923.