CO21 Climate Conference: What happened in Paris and what is next for Canada?

Monday, February 1, 2016 6:00 pm - 6:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

The Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change is hosting an evening event to reflect on the outcomes and impacts of the recent international climate change conference in Paris.  What happened in Paris, and why is it important?  What does the agreement reached at the conference mean for Canada and our community?

Speakers will include:

Erik DaviesManager of Strategic Initiatives and Special Projects, CIGI
Alexandra Graham, Graduate Student, School of Planning, UW
Laura Maxwell, Graduate Student, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, UW
Ian Rowlands, Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, UW
Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor, City of Kitchener
Moderator:  Jean Andrey, Dean, Faculty of Environment, UW

Visit the Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change for full details and registration.