Wednesday, April 24, 2019 12:00 pm
1:00 pm
EDT (GMT -04:00)

We will have litter "hot spots" identified for you and your team to tackle, or you can stroll through the campus to clean up whatever you find!
Notes for the event:
- Register yourself and/or a team of individuals who are willing to participate.
- Stop by the Foyer in Environment 3 at 12pm on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 to pick up garbage bags and gloves for yourself and/or your team.
- Return your filled bags when you're done and enjoy a coffee on us! Please bring your own reusable mug to prevent waste :)
- The event will take place rain or shine, so please dress appropriately!
Special thanks to the City of Waterloo for generously hosting this event across the city and providing bags and gloves to help clean-up our natural environment.