Thursday, October 26, 2017 6:30 pm
7:30 pm
EDT (GMT -04:00)
Meet Simone. Simone helps make food sustainable at Provision Coalition by coordinating strategic planning sessions that help food and beverage manufacturing companies embed sustainability into their strategic plans.

Simone supports the onsite coaching and mentoring strategic planning sessions at Provision Coalition, a company that helps manufacturing companies across Canada make food sustainably. In her presentation, she will share the step-by-step process used to embed sustainability into business strategy and discuss the real opportunities and challenges. Connecting organizational purpose to personal purpose, she will show how as an emerging sustainability professional, you should define your purpose in order to find meaningful work.
Website Biography
SCI Talks is intended to engage and educate UW community members on sustainability ideas. Each talk will be presented by a local member of the community who is involved in sustainability whether it's head-on or behind-the-scenes. Each talk is 1 hour long with a presentation or workshop and Q & A at the end. You will have the opportunity to network and engage with the speaker throughout their talk - ask any questions you have on their experiences and passions.
The SCI Talks are going to be held on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM at EV3-4408 from October 5 to November 9 (excluding October 12). Every time you attend a SCI Talk you have a higher chance of winning in our Weekly Draw.
Want to volunteer? Volunteers will receive a gift of appreciation at the end of the term if attending 3/5 SCI Talks.
Want to be notified for future speaking opportunities?
Bring your friends for an educational and fun experience! We hope to see you all there!