Did you know that your energy consumption contributes to climate change? Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and natural gas are reported to be the main sources of energy, producing the vast majority of fuel, electricity, and heat used by people across the globe. The burning of these fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that is know to warm Earth's Climate and disrupt the earth's natural systems.

The Sustainability Office invites you to participate in Unplug! Energy Reduction Challenge from April 4-29. As apart of Earth Month, we hope to challenge you to reduce your energy consumption at home and at work through 5 simple activities.
The Unplug! Challenge is closely tied with Waterloo's Climate and Energy Action plan, Shift: Neutral. Core pieces of the plan includes a 17.5% reduction by 2025 and 35% reduction by 2030.
To learn more about Waterloo's commitment to becoming a Carbon Neutral by 2050, check out our Shift: Neutral Climate and Energy Action Plan.
Read more about the challenge below:
Unplug! Challenge | FAQs | Terms and conditions
Unplug! Energy Reduction Challenge

Are you ready for the Unplug! challenge? The rules are simple:
- Register your yourself or your department.
- Complete the 5 challenges to the best of your capability. These 5 challenges include:
- Turn It Off or Switch it Out! - Turn off all unnecessary lights during the day and switch out
- Make A Shift! - Shift your use of electric appliances off when not in use such as dishwashers, dryers and stoves.
- Lower it! - Reduce your thermostat by 1 degree!
- Let It Shine! - Open your blinds to have your home be heated by the Sun and to stop heating your home through traditional systems.
- Air Dry It! - Use clothes lines or drying racks to dry your clothing instead of using the electric drying appliance
- Complete the follow-up survey (which will be sent to your email if you registered) by May 7, 2022
- BONUS: Share your progress on social media using #UnplugUW and #ShiftNeutral to help inspire others
Note: If you are registering your department, at least one person will need to complete the challenges.
By completing the steps above, you will be entered in a random prize draw to win one of these amazing prizes (see terms and conditions):
- $100 gift card
- 1 of 2 $50 gift cards
- 1 of 10 $10 WatCard top-ups
Note: There is no 'winning' or 'losing' the challenge at the end of the week. The goal of the challenge is to bring awareness to how much and what kind of waste we produce in a week and to reflect on opportunities for more sustainable swaps. We encourage you to try to keep your jar as empty as possible for the week, though we acknowledge that COVID-19 presents unique challenges to waste reduction.
We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you prepare for Unplug! 2022. If your question wasn't answered here, please reach out to the Sustainability Office.