Join us for an exclusive screening and feedback session of In Your Palm with alumnus and Director, Carter Kirilenko. Every year life-threatening toxic haze covers the south-east Asia region caused by large-scale peatland fires from palm oil production. Palm oil is one of the most consumed vegetable oils globally and used in over 50% of our daily consumer products. In Your Palm is a film exploring the human and environmental impact of the palm oil industry and the brave heroes that dedicate their lives to creating a more sustainable future.

The event will be held on Microsft Teams. It is open to staff, faculty, and students across the University of Waterloo to help shape In Your Palm’s global campaign.
All attendees will be entered to win one of five $50 W Store gift cards. Please see full terms and conditions below.
3:00-3:05pm - Introduction
3:05-3:10pm - Pre-screening activity
3:10-3:35pm - In Your Palm screening
3:35-3:50pm - Interactive feedback activity
3:50 -4:00pm - Q&A and closing remarks