Amelia is so excited to be the Communications and Outreach Assistant this fall term! She is in her third
year of Environment, Resources and Sustainability and previously worked for Environment and Climate Change Canada. Amongst other things, her role includes sharing sustainable opportunities and actions on-campus and in the community, manning the Free Store, assisting with projects and engaging stakeholders with sustainability. She is so thrilled to help develop sustainable events and activities during this term. As an avid goat advocate, she will be sneaking in a feature or two in the newsletter (stay tuned 🐐🌳🌱🌻🦋).
She holds onto the belief that climate justice is intrinsically tied to sustainability, and that our fight for a better world must include liberation from systems of oppression. She has had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of her student association ERSSA, the Society for Ecological Restoration and the Climate Justice Ecosystem. During her time here, she hopes to support sustainability rooted in equity, justice and kindness.
Candidate for BES – Honours Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo