
Bus 'n Bike

Did you know you can take your bike on the GRT bus & ION trains? Visit GRT's website to learn more, including how to use the bus bike racks.

Where to park your bike

Bike Cage

Our bike cage has 62 bike parking spaces available by permit to students and employees. The top racks feature a unique, extended rod that makes hanging and removing bikes easier. The shelter will accommodate standard-sized bicycles. 

For more information please visit Bike Cage.

Bike Lockers

Secure, single, enclosed bike lockers are available in 6 locations across the Waterloo campus, granted by permit to University of Waterloo employees only.

For more information please visit Bike Lockers.

Bike Racks

Bike racks of different styles are available across campus at or very near to all buildings.

Locking up your bike

Be sure to follow these tips from the Special Constables Service for locking up your bike.

How to lock your bike

Bicycle locking summary