Snow Removal Procedures and Removal Priority-Setting
The current priority is to clear university roads followed by primary walkways. With the upcoming wayfinding project, primary, secondary, and tertiary routes will be more defined (see map below). Plant Ops will work with AODA Specialist to develop snow removal practices that reflect these updates (anticipated in early fall 2018).
If there are specific snow clearing concerns that members of the University community face on an ongoing basis, we welcome input and feedback so that we can continue to deliver the best possible service within available resources.
The following is from the website. Plant Operations intends to review and update the web page this summer.
Snow Removal
During storms, our first priority for snow removal is main road routes to ensure emergency access and then primary walkways. Attention to some walkways and parking lots may not be possible until at least 24 hours after a storm has subsided. Keep clear of snow removal equipment for your safety and to expedite their response to storm conditions.
REMINDER: Parking is prohibited in all parking lots between 3AM and 6AM. We use this time for snow removal.
Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Paths
Below is a map that identifies the primary, secondary and tertiary paths as defined by the campus wayfinding project.

Navy Blue: Primary Path - North/South
Purple: Secondary Path - East/West
Light Blue: Tertiary Path
The unique nature of this organic site provides the backbone to the multiple paths identified. These paths help to delineate key routes within the University of Waterloo campus and also establish regions surrounding these paths to help make directional information easier to understand.
Sand Bins
Despite our best efforts to clear snow and ice, slippery conditions may still exist. Green (or yellow) sand bins are placed throughout the campus during the winter months. Use sand from these bins to aid with traction on slippery areas. Report slippery areas to us at ext. 33793 (24 hours.)