- All faculty, staff and students who park, or expect to park, in card controlled or decal controlled lots, must register any vehicle which they operate on campus with Parking Services, and shall pay, or authorize to have deducted from salary or wages if permitted by payroll, the applicable parking fees.
- Parking fees are assessed as follows: 1st to 15th full fee; 16th to 31st one half month fee.
- Parking decals must be hung from the rear view mirror with the lot designation facing outward. Those persons desiring to terminate their parking privileges must do so in person at the Sustainable Transportation office. It is a requirement of the Regulations that the transponder be returned and permit surrendered to initiate refund of parking fees. Parking fees will be refunded based on the original method of payment.
- Faculty or staff members departing campus on approved leave of absence are requested to come to the Sustainable Transportation office, surrender their hang tag and/or transponder for the duration of their leave, sign a cancellation card for the Payroll department and return their card. Parking fees assessed upon cancellation will be calculated using the same criteria as paragraph 1
- Persons returning to campus from approved leave should attend the Sustainable Transportation office in person to pick up their hang tag and/or transponder and authorize deduction of their parking fees.
- Permit holders who retain their hang tag and/or transponder during their absence from campus will be responsible for all accrued parking fees. Any outstanding parking fees will be deducted from wages or any cash on deposit on record with Parking Services.
- Parking permits and transponders, while they are issued to permit holders, remain the property of the university and must be returned to Sustainable Transportation on cancellation of parking privileges or on demand from the Director of Police and Sustainable Transportation or his designate. Persons required to pay a deposit for the card have 14 days from the date of expiry of the parking purchased to receive their card deposit refund.
- Only one transponder and hang tag will be issued to each permit holder, regardless of the number of vehicles registered. The hang tag and/or transponder will be used for parking of only one registered vehicle at any one time. Permit holders found in possession of hang tag and/or transponder previously reported missing shall have all parking privileges on campus rescinded.
- Responsibility for the safe custody of a hang tag and/or transponder rests with the permit holder. Faculty or staff permit holders will be required to pay a $10.00 fee for a replacement hang tag. The replacement fee will be refunded provided the replacement hang tag is returned to Sustainable Transportation within fourteen (14) days of the date of issue.
- Access to or exit from a credit card controlled or coin operated parking lot shall be made only by the use of the appropriate card or deposit of the appropriate coins; any other method will be considered to be in contravention of these Regulations and will be cause for a fine and/or immediate removal of the vehicle concerned.
- Users of visitor parking lots who, by any means or method, fail to pay or avoid payment of the appropriate fees shall be subject to the provisions in Part 1 (7).
- Any vehicle parked on the University of Waterloo campus displaying a fraudulent (altered) permit will be fined and their vehicle will be towed. The owner/driver is responsible for paying both the fine and the towing charge. There is no reduction for early payment of the fine.
- Any visitors or members of the university with physical disabilities may apply to Sustainable Transportation for consideration for special parking privileges. Click here to view “Guidelines for Alternate Parking Arrangements.”
- Certain parking spaces are designated as Accessible Parking and are restricted to the use of those who are physically disabled. Vehicles displaying the appropriate Ontario Accessible Permit or a Temporary Medical Permit issued by Sustainable Transportation may park in these locations.
- No vehicle shall be parked in such a manner as to impede or obstruct continued entry to or egress from those access ways intended for the use of the accessible parking.
- The Highway Traffic Act of the Province of Ontario requires that
all vehicles be maintained in a road worthy condition so that they may be driven safely on any highway. The university requires these same standards to be maintained for any vehicle operated on the property.- Every person who, through operation of a vehicle on campus, causes damage to university property shall be responsible for payment of all costs to repair or replacement. The operator of the vehicle must immediately report to a university Police Officer any such damage. Ultimate liability for damages rests with the vehicle owner, regardless of who was operating the vehicle at the time of damage.
- Operators of a vehicle on campus, upon request of a University Police Officer, must produce proof of ownership of a vehicle and proof that the vehicle is insured as required by the Province of Ontario and valid drivers license.
- No repairs, excepting emergency repairs, may be carried out to a vehicle on university property. University Police Officers will require proof of ownership of a vehicle in cases requiring emergency services.
- Upon approaching a Stop Sign at an intersection, every person operating a vehicle must bring the vehicle to a full stop at the marked line or, in the absence of a line, immediately before entering the intersection. Having yielded the right of way, the vehicle may then proceed with caution.
- Every person operating a vehicle, upon approaching a “Yield Right of Way” sign, must slow to a reasonable speed, or stop for existing condition, and yield the right of way to any vehicle or pedestrian in, or approaching , the intersection. Having yielded the right of way, the vehicle may then proceed with caution.
- Bicycles shall be operated on roadways and pathways only and with due care and caution, in observance of all traffic regulations.
- Bicycles shall be parked only in bicycle racks.
- The normal vehicular speed on campus is 40 Km/h unless
otherwise posted. - Snowmobiles shall not be operated on the property of the
university.- Mini-bikes shall not be operated on the property of the university.
- All-terrain vehicles shall not be operated on the property of the university.
- No vehicle shall be parked on campus other than in a prescribed parking lot, service vehicles are excepted.
- No vehicle shall occupy a space in a designated parking lot other than within the limits set out by lines, curbing, markers or signs.
- No vehicle shall be operated on any campus sidewalk, pathway, pedestrian walkway, grassed or landscaped areas, except service vehicles where other means of access are unavailable.
- No vehicle shall be parked in a parking lot other than the lot assigned or authorized to the decal-holder, bona fide use of coin lots excepted.
- No vehicle shall be parked within or outside of any parking area, in front of or adjacent to any chained service access way or area with bollard gates in such a manner as to impede or obstruct the continued use of such access way.
- Motorcycles must be parked on motorcycle pads specifically assigned for the use of motorcycles. No other vehicles shall be parked on motor- cycle pads, or in such a manner to obstruct or impede continued access to the pad.
- Any person, who, by any method, assists others to gain access to or exit from a controlled parking lot in contravention of these Regulations will be liable to a fine and removal, and in addition may have any privileges of parking on campus rescinded.
- No vehicle shall be permitted in a prescribed parking lot from the hours of 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. each day, with the exception of those parking lots assigned for use by on- campus residents, or as may be authorized by the Police and Parking Services.
- Any vehicle parked at an “expired” meter will be liable to a fine and/or removal of the vehicle.
- Every person operating a vehicle on campus must obey the directions or signals of a University Police Officer.
- Every person who operates, or rides a bicycle or motor- cycle, or motor-assisted bicycle as defined by the Highway Traffic Act, on campus, must wear a helmet that complies with the regulations as set down in the Highway Traffic Act.
- No vehicle shall stop/park in an area designated as a‘ Fire Route’. The vehicle will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
- Every person in charge of a motor vehicle who is directly or
indirectly involved in an accident on university property must stop and report the accident forthwith to a University Police Officer or another police officer and must furnish the officer with such information or written statement concerning the accident as may be required.- Where such person is physically incapable of making a report and there is another occupant of the motor vehicle, such occupant must make the report.
- Payment of fines must be made at the Sustainable Transportation Office, on line in by mail. Certain fines paid within 14 days from the date the citation is issued may receive prepayment discount.
- A person operating a vehicle on campus must not sound any bell, horn, or other signalling device so as to make an unreasonable noise nor shall such person at any time cause the vehicle to make any unnecessary noise.
- Every person operating a vehicle on the campus shall do so with due care and attention and with reasonable consideration for other persons using the campus.
- Certain Pay Parking Lots are designated as Visitor’s Lots.
Members of the University Community wishing to make special
arrangements for guests’ parking should inquire at Parking Services. - Skateboards are prohibited on all campus roadways and pathways.
- Roller skis and roller blades are prohibited on all campus roadways, pedestrian pathways and walkways, except during supervised training periods scheduled through the Kinesiology or Athletics department, and authorized by the Director of Police and Parking Services.
- Every person who, when completing a parking registration form, supplies or submits false or misleading information shall be subject to a fine.