Writing with a proctor

If you did not choose an examination centre or submit a Proctor Request Form your final examination will be scheduled in Waterloo. The final examination schedule will be posted on the Final Examination Schedule website.

Who can write their final examination with a proctor

You will need to find a proctor to supervise your in-person final examination if any of the following apply to you:

  • you live more than 100 km from an examination centre.
  • you are writing more than two final examinations at a centre other than Waterloo. Examination centres can only hold two final examination sessions.
  • you cannot write the final examination(s) on the scheduled date/time for religious reasons.
  • you are registered with AccessAbility Services (AAS) and cannot write your final examination in their office.  
  • you must reschedule your final examination due to circumstances beyond your control (see alternate final examination options).
  • you are in active military or diplomatic corps service.

Important: If you are taking any on-campus courses your final examination will be scheduled in Waterloo.

Online proctoring is currently not available.

How to find a proctor

You are responsible for finding an appropriate proctor. They must have an email address associated with their place of employment.

The proctor MAY NOT: 

  • be related to you in any way (including by marriage or common-law),
  • be a friend, neighbour or co-worker
  • live at the same address as you do,
  • be currently enrolled in a Waterloo course.

The quickest way to locate a proctor in your area is to conduct an internet search for “proctors near me.” Your search results will yield official testing centres at colleges, universities, libraries, and learning centres. You can also search for local libraries or religious institutions.

We will check your address in Quest to ensure your proctor is located near enough to you to supervise your final examination in-person.

We will verify the information the proctor submits to ensure they meet the requirements and minimize academic integrity issues. Proctors must read English fluently.

Who can proctor:

  • Active teachers/educational professionals above the pre-school level. A teacher's certificate may be required.
  • Administrative employees of a university, school, or college.
  • Officials employed by a religious institution (e.g. priest, rabbi, pastor, minister, nun, monk, or imam).
  • Library staff.
  • Military officers (only for members of the military and their spouses)
  • Healthcare workers (for students registered with Waterloo's AccessAbility Services)
  • Human resources staff (only for co-op students)
  • National College Testing Association sites - United States
  • Education USA Advising Centers (there are over 425 international student advising centres in 178 countries but not all centres offer proctoring services)

NEW: Digital versions of final examinations will be distributed to proctors close to the final examination date. Please make sure your proctors can print the final examination on A4/Letter paper. They will also need to scan it and return it digitally once it has been written.

What you need to know about submitting your proctor information

You will provide your proctor's name and business email address and we will contact them directly for additional information. We need a business email address to verify their employment and eligibility to proctor.

We will verify the information they provide and will email you when your proctor is approved or is deemed unacceptable. This decision is at the discretion of the Examinations Team.

You and your proctor will arrange the location, day and time when your proctor will supervise your final examination within the Final Examination Period. The date and time shown in Odyssey for proctored final examinations will NOT show the actual time you have arranged with your proctor. Your proctor should stay with you for the duration of the final examination.

A digital copy of your final examination will be sent to your proctor in time for your final examination, along with instructions for how to conduct the final examination, how to return the final examination to us after it is written, and how to complete the payment forms.

Waterloo pays proctors $20/hr CAD. If you are registered with AAS, and require additional time, we will compensate your proctor accordingly. Students are responsible for any additional fees. You can also pay your proctor and submit documentation to be reimbursed through your account in Quest.