How do I view my address information?

Woman filling in a form on a computer

Your record can include two addresses: a Home and/or a mailing address. If you're temporarily living somewhere other than the address recorded as your home (perhaps a local Waterloo address), it is to your advantage to ensure this other (local) address is recorded as your mailing address; otherwise, you may experience unwanted delays in getting important mail.

It is important to keep your address information up-to-date at all times. All your address information should be correct, including the province, postal code, country, etc., otherwise, the mail we send you may not be delivered.

  1. Sign in to Quest.
  2. Select the Personal Information tile.
    Personal information tile in Quest.
  3. Review your home and mailing addresses that you have supplied with your application. Note: If you have any changes to your addresses, submit them through your application at the OUAC (Ontario Universities' Application Centre).
    Address information in Quest.

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