How do I view my entrance award offers?

Woman filling in a form on a computer

For undergraduate applicants only.

  1. Sign into Quest.
  2. Select the Admissions tile.
    Admissions tile in Quest.
  3. Select each program you applied to in order to view award offers for that program.
    Program selection in Quest.
  4. Select View Award Offer(s) found under Entrance Awards.
    View awards link in Quest.
  5. Select the name of each offered award to see applicable details. 
    List of awards in Quest.
  6. If you wish to have an email record of the award offer, select Email Entrance Award Offer.
    Option to email Entrance Award Offer to yourself in Quest.
  7. Enter your email address and select the SEND button.
  8. The system will return an email sent confirmation message.

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