The Forming and Crash Lab provides a wide range of research services to industry and government laboratories on a contract or collaborative basis (depending upon confidentiality and IP ownership requirements). The following non-exhaustive list outlines available research services:
- Material Characterization & Model Development
- High Speed Imaging & Digital Image Correlation
- Conventional, Warm & Hot Sheet Forming Process Development & Testing
- Impact Testing
- CAE Model Development
Material Characterization & Model Development
Quasi-Static Constitutive and Fracture Characterization
- MTS 100 kN tensile frame
- Instron 100 kN test frame
- Shimadzu 50 kN test frame
- MTS Dome Vesting Apparatus
- Custom small load adhesive characterization frames
- CT, LS, KSII weld testing
Constitutive and Fracture Characterization at Intermediate Rates (10 -100 s-1)
Hydraulic Intermediate Rate (HISR) apparatus
- ±30kN Kistler load cell
- Data Acquisition at up to 250,000 samples/sec
High Rate Material Characterization (500 s-1 to over 1,500 s-1) using Hopkinson Bars
Tensile and compressive bars
- Metal and Polymeric bars
- High speed DAQ up to 20 MS/sec
Metallographic analysis
- Keyence VHX-5000 Opto Digital Microscope
- Precision cutting and polishing
- X-ray diffraction phase identification and texture measurement
- Hole drilling and X-ray diffraction residual stress measurement
High Speed Imaging & Digital Image Correlation
Digital Image Correlation (DIC)
- Low (1 fps) to ultra-high speed (5,000,000 fps) DIC
- High resolution DIC
- DIC on test frames, presses and crash sled tests
- High temperature DIC at up to 920° C
- Correlated Solutions DIC software analysis and acquisition
High Speed Video
- High speed video recording at up to 10,000,000 fps
- Two Shimadzus HPV-X2s, up to 10,000,000 fps at 400 x 250 pixesl
- Two Photron SA-Zs, 20,000 fps at 1 mega pixel resolution, 2,100,000 fps max
- Two Photron SA-5s, 7,000 fps at 1 mega pixel resolution,1,000,000 fps max
- Two Photron AX 100s, G-hardened, 4,000 fps at 1 mega pixel resolution, 540,000 fps max
- One Photron SA 4, 3,600 fps at 1 mega pixel resolution, 500,000 fps max
High Speed Infrared Photography
- Two Telops FAST 2K IR cameras
- Record at up to 90,000 fps
- IR material failure detection at high rates
Conventional, Warm & Hot Sheet Forming Process Development & Testing
Large-scale forming trials
- Using a 900 ton (triple-acting) or 125 ton (single-acting) hydraulic press
- On-board die heating interfaces for hot-forming and warm-forming
- High temperature furnaces with robotic transfer
Warm Forming Formability Testing
- Warm Nakazima and LDR tests
- Warm forming up to 300 ºC
Formability Testing MTS Dome Testing Apparatus
- MTS Dome Testing Apparatus
- Nakazima and Marcianiak dome tests
- Stretch bend test
Six Axis Robot for High Speed/High Temperature Material Handling
- ABB IRB-6700 Robot - 200 kg payload
- 3D vision system
- Precision lubricant application system
Press-Tending Equipment
- Coil Handling Equipment – Decoiler, Straightener, and Feeder (up to 300 mm wide x 1.5 mm thick)
- Automated blank and tooling lubrication system
Processing Furnaces (for sheet metal)
- Two Electric Hot Stamping Furnaces (1000°C) for conventional heating (1000 x 600 mm and 610 mm x 457 mm capacities)
- Rapid-Heating Contact Furnace (500°C) – Hot-platen contact furnace for rapid heating (600 x 300 mm capacity)
V-Bend Testing for Formability and Fracture Characterization
- Optical VDA238-100 / V-Bend Test Frame
- Custom designed and built to allow for 3D DIC
- Provide uniaxial plane strain failure strains
Twist Compression Friction Test
- Lubricant evaluation for sheet metal forming
- Room temperature to 430 ºC
Impact Testing
Structural Crashworthiness Sled Facility
- SESA Crash Sled
- Max energy 169,500 kJ
- 90 km/hr max speed
- Max payload of 1,400 kg
- Can record tests with up to 7 high speed cameras
- Six Kistler 120 kN load cells
- Laser displacement sensor
- On board accelerometers
- Axial crush, three and four-point bend, and component testing
CAE Model Development
Constitutive and Fracture CAE Model Development
- Provide data for standard LS-DYNA and AutoForm models
- GISSMO model development
Yield surface calibration and development
Model validation with in-house forming and impact experiments
Linux Cluster computing
Cyclic Plasticity model development
For additional information contact prof. Michael Worswick or prof. Cliff Butcher.