WCMS Web Dev Rev

Another week of Web Dev Rev had notes that included a new Drupal release, a look at how content editors use Layout Builder, a modern CSS reset, and more. We ended with several videos including "Why is CSS so weird?". Click through to read the whole blog post...

Another week of Web Dev Rev has notes that include Acquia receiving a majority investment, perspectives of women in technology, naming every possible colour, and more. We ended with a video about making Drupal friendly for editors and clients. Click through to read the whole blog post...

Another week of Web Dev Rev has notes that include a bump in the Webform module's road to Drupal 9, Firefox moving to a faster release cycle, web development merit badges, and more. We finished the video from 2 weeks ago on building custom entities, then watched a video by Anil Dash about how he made the internet garbage. Click through to read the whole blog post...

Another week of Web Dev Rev has notes that include the release of Drupal 8.7.7, University of Calgary's block library, Firefox's colour-blindness simulator, and more. We finished by starting a video on building custom entities. Click through to read the whole blog post...

Another week of Web Dev Rev has notes that include a new module for automatic Drupal updates, changes to Git, a Flash emulator, and much more. We finished off by starting a video on implementing Georgia.gov's front end. Click through to read the whole blog post...

This week, Web Dev Rev notes included a call for participation in the Drupal business survey for 2019, and information on how browsers update quickly. We finished off watching live web page development with "Thinking With Grid". Click through to read the whole blog post...

This week, Web Dev Rev notes covered things like a new Drupal help module in core, a new default Drupal theme, a poorly-written regular expression taking down Cloudflare, and "make it hard to screw up"-driven development. We concluded with the first part of "Building Better Interfaces". Click through to read the whole blog post...

This week, Web Dev Rev made up for last week's single note with a ton of notes that included a look at Drupal North's schedule, browser vendors winning the war with W3C, and building inaccessible sites that get perfect scores on accessibility testers. We concluded with the tail end of last week's DevOps video. Click through to read the whole blog post...

This week, Web Dev Rev started with notes that included a look at Drupal's Media Library interface, a Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting, and CSS golfing. We concluded with an accessibility video from DrupalCon Seattle 2019. Click through to read the whole blog post...