Web Dev Rev wrap-up for February 2, 2018
After an unplanned week off, here's what we looked at for Web Dev Rev notes: Drupal 8's Symfony components were updated; "Out of the Box" has been committed to Drupal 8.6.x; how "Out of the Box" avoiding licensing concerns with photography; Drupal 8 will require a minimum of PHP 7 starting in March 2019; DrupalCon is giving away the giant Druplicon; DrupalCon Nashville and Tennessee's discrimination standing; only internationalization release blockers remain for Drupal 8's Migration UI; how to take your Drupal code and make it a contrib project; using Drupal 8's address field in custom forms; integrating a simple Drupal text Paragraph bundle with PatternLab; making your site faster with preconnect hints; and finally, battery status readout as a privacy risk.