Automatic list

Automatic lists allow a selected content type to be highlighted on any content page in a predetermined order.

Block setup

Elements to consider when building Automatic list blocks:

Content type

Automatic lists can be generated for the following content types:

  • Blog posts
  • Catalogs
  • Catalog items
  • Contacts
  • Events
  • News items
  • Opportunities
  • Profiles
  • Projects
  • Publication references
  • Services

Predetermined order

The order of the content cannot be changed in an Automatic list block. Based on the type of content listed, the order may be determined chronologically, alphabetically, or by weight.

Block content

While the order cannot be changed, the Automatic list block's content is fairly customizable, based on the type of content you wish to list.

For most content types, you can select how many items per block will appear, as well as filtering which content is shown based on tags, types, groups, etc.

Section layout

The width of the section will affect the width of the Automatic list block.

Block examples

Note: An example is not provided for every content type.

Catalog item Automatic list

  • An Automatic list for Catalog items placed within an extra-wide contained width section
  • Filtered to show Catalog items in the Block library catalog with the "Listing" category
  • Set to 6 items per block

News items Automatic list

  • An Automatic list for News items placed within a wide contained width section
  • Set to 3 items per block