Student Services

Direct Support


  • Accommodation Planning
  • Documentation Review –€“ help to understand your learning profile
  • Liaison with faculty
  • Referrals
    • Assessments
    • Campus Services –€“ Health Services, Counselling Services, Student Success Office

Adaptive Technology

  • Access to two labs complete with adaptive technology and computer work stations:
    • Adaptive Technology Centre, Dana Porter Library
    • Technology Lab, Needles Hall
  • Assessment review for Adaptive Technology training with our Adaptive Educational Technologist on specialized software and technology to support your learning needs
  • Assistance with Bursary for Students with Disabilities applications
  • Equipment loan program

Alternate Format

  • Access to texts and library books in alternate format through Library Accessibility Services
  • In-house production of print material in alternate format not available through Library Accessibility Services

Campus Orientation

  • Assistance to navigate campus buildings and routes

Learning Strategist

Support to develop strategies to complement your learning style

Student Access Van

The Student Access Van is a shuttle service offered through AccessAbility Services for students with a temporary or permanent disability. It is intended as campus transportation only for UWaterloo students. The van operates Monday to Thursday (8:00 am to 7:00 pm) and Friday (8:00 am to 5:30 pm).

Eligibility for the service is determined with your AccessAbility Services advisor, and is based on your documentation.

To request this service book an appointment with your AccessAbility Services advisor. Minimum notice to use the service is 24 hours and the average length of time to complete a request is 24 hours.

Please Note: Due to low registration numbers in the Spring/Summer semester, the Access Van will not be operating. If you require transportation please contact your AccessAbility Services consultant to discuss options.

Student Access Van Pick up Location (DOCX)

Student Access Van General Information (PDF)


Note-Taking Support Service

AccessAbility Services primarily uses a volunteer note-taking service to help recruit note-takers for students with disabilities. Requests can only be accepted within the first three weeks of the term. Late requests may not be guaranteed.

Eligibility for note-taking is determined by your AccessAbility Services advisor base on your documentation.

AccessAbility Services will work collaboratively with course instuctors to help recruit or identify student volunteers. As this is a voluntary service, note-takers and the quality of the notes cannot be guaranteed.

Notes will only be shared with those students who are approved for the service and not with the general public. Receiving notes through AccessAbility Services is not intended as a substitute for classroom attendance and learning.

AccessAbility Services and volunteer note-takers have the right to withhold notes if classroom attendance is a concern.

The average length of time to complete a request is 2-3 weeks.

Tutor Support

Tutoring services are available to students registered with AccessAbility Services that require academic assistance. The program matches students with a tutor for an approved number of hours. Eligibility is determined with your AccessAbility Services advisor, and based on your documentation. The average length of time to complete the request is 2-3 weeks.

Students must be eligible for OSAP in order to apply for funding through the Bursary for Students with Disabilities and the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment. Students who are not eligible for OSAP will need to speak to their AccessAbility Services advisor for funding consideration.

Other Campus Supports

Counselling Services

Counselling Services offer individual, group, and peer support counselling, coping skills seminars, and workshops.

Federation of Students (FEDS)

  • Clubs, services, societies and organized events
  • Used bookstore
  • Student run Food Bank
  • Fed Bus
  • Health Plan


The Library offers a range of services, technology and study space to assist with research and study.

  • Accessibility Devices in the Library
  • Adaptive Technology Centre
  • Alternate format materials
  • Campus book delivery
  • Research help
  • Retrieving library materials
  • Study rooms and workstations

Student Success Office

The Student Success Office offers workshops, success coaching, peer mentorship programs, and drop-in tutoring as well as online resources which can be accessed anywhere.