Academic Information


Complementary Studies Electives (CSE)

For students starting in Fall 2018:

Three Complementary Studies Elective (CSE) courses in approved non-technical subjects must be taken. The CSEs are in addition to those courses which are part of the core program and contain complementary studies material, such as AE 101 (List D), AE 392 (List B) and AE 491 (List D). The CSE courses are organized on a Faculty basis and detailed in this calendar, under the Complementary Studies in the Faculty of Engineering page. The three (3) CSE courses are to be chosen according to the following constraints:

  • One course from List A - Impact Courses,
  • Two courses from List C - Humanities and Social Sciences Courses

For students starting in Fall 2019 and later:

Two Complementary Studies Elective (CSE) courses in approved non-technical subjects must be taken. The CSEs are in addition to those courses which are part of the core program and contain complementary studies material, such as AE 101 (List C), AE 392 (List B), AE 491 (List D), and ENGL 191/SPCOM 191 (List D). The CSE courses are organized on a Faculty basis and detailed in this calendar, under the Complementary Studies in the Faculty of Engineering page. The two (2) CSE courses are to be chosen according to the following constraints:

  • One course from List A - Impact Courses,
  • One course from List C - Humanities and Social Sciences Courses

Technical Electives (TE)

Technical Electives

Students are required to complete eight (8) technical elective (TE) courses within the following requirements:

  1. At least three (3) TEs must be from List A (Architectural Engineering Technical Electives)
  2. At least two (2) TEs must be from List B (Engineering Design Intensive Technical Electives)
  3. At least one (1) TE must be from List D (Natural Science Technical Electives)

Up to two (2) TEs may be technical courses from other programs; such courses must have sufficiently advanced technical content to be allowed, and will be counted as List B TEs. Further information is available from the CEE Undergraduate Office or CEE website. Some courses of interest may require prerequisite knowledge that is not part of the core program in Architectural Engineering. Students may require extra courses or may need to seek enrolment approval from the course professor if the prerequisites have not been satisfied.

The Technical Elective Lists for the Architectural Engineering program are provided below. Note that the offering of these courses is contingent upon sufficient demand and/or available teaching resources. There may be courses added and changes made to the content, term of offering, or meet times from what is listed below. Special Topics Courses (AE 495 and AE 497) are offered as resources and faculty availability permit. Further information is available from the CEE Undergraduate Office or CEE website.

Key for List A, B, C, and D:

Term courses are offered: F=Fall term, W=Winter term, S=Spring term

List A - Architectural Engineering Technical Electives




AE 301

Building Enclosure Systems


AE 315

Building Structural Systems


AE 405

Building Performance Measurement Lab


AE 450

Building Service Systems


AE 495

Design Intensive Special Topics in Architectural Engineering

As offered

AE 572

Building Energy Analysis

F, S

AE 573

HVAC Systems, Equipment, and Energy Efficiency


ARCH 570

Special Topics in Building Technology and Environmental

F, W, S

ME 452

HVAC Load Analysis and Design Fundamentals


List B - Engineering Design Intensive Technical Electives




ARCH 463

Integrated Environmental Systems


CIVE 413

Structural Steel Design


CIVE 414

Structural Concrete Design


CIVE 415

Structural System Design


CIVE 460

Engineering Biomechanics


CIVE 495

Design Intensive Special Topics in Civil Engineering

As offered

CIVE 512

Rehabilitation of Structures


CIVE 596

Construction Engineering


List C - Engineering Technical Electives




AE 497

Special Topics in Architectural Engineering

As offered

CIVE 422

Finite Element Analysis


CIVE 484

Physical Infrastructure Planning


CIVE 497

Special Topics in Civil Engineering

As offered

CIVE 505

Structural Dynamics


List D - Natural Science Technical Electives




BIOL 130

Introductory Cell Biology


BIOL 150

Organismal and Evolutionary Ecology


BIOL 240

Fundamentals of Microbiology

F, W, S

BIOL 273

Principles of Human Physiology 1

F, W, S

CHE 161

Engineering Biology

W, S

CHEM 209

Introductory Spectroscopy and Structure


CHEM 262

Organic Chemistry for Engineering

F, W


Introductory Geochemistry

W, S


Disasters and Natural Hazards



Geological Impacts on Human Health


ENVS 200

Field Ecology

F, W, S

GEOG 357

River Management


KIN 100
KIN 100L

Regional Human Anatomy
Regional Human Anatomy Laboratory


SCI 206

The Physics of How Things Work


SCI 207

Physics, the Universe, and Everything


SCI 238

Introductory Astronomy

F, W, S

SCI 250

Environmental Geology



To complement their engineering studies, all Architectural Engineering students are required to clear a number of milestones. A milestone is not a course, but an objective which must be cleared before a specified academic term. If you do not clear the milestone by a specified academic term, you will not be allowed to enroll in that term until the milestone has been cleared.

The ELPE and WHMIS milestones are not linked to any courses and therefore when you achieve one of these milestones, you are said to have cleared it. If you make an attempt to clear one of these three milestones and fail to do so, the milestones are simply not yet marked as being cleared, a failure will not appear on your transcript.

Term Promotion Rules

Promoted Excellent, Good, Satisfactory (EXCEL, GOOD, and SAT)

If you are a full-load, full-time student and receive term average of 60% or more, you are promoted to the next term with a standing of Satisfactory, Good, or Excellent depending on your term average.

Promoted (Conditional)

If you are a full-load, full-time student who is taking a given academic term for the first time and have a term average of at least 60% and no more than two failed courses in the current term and no more than two failed and uncleared courses in total, then you are promoted (conditional). You will need to clear the failed courses in the manner specified by your department.

Required to Repeat

If you have an average above 50% but below 60%, or have an average of more than 60% with three or more failures in an academic term, then you are required to repeat the academic term. This decision permits you to complete the work term following the failed academic term, but you are not permitted to return to repeat the failed term until one year after the start of the failed term (academic terms failed in fall terms are repeated in the next fall term and so on). Normally you will already be enrolled in a work term following the term with the required to repeat decision. You proceed with that work term; however the term following the work term (and before the repeated term) is a non-degree term.

May not proceed

As noted above in some cases you are permitted to have two courses below 50% in a given term as long as the term average exceeds 60%. One exception to this is when you have a total of more than two failed (but uncleared) courses on your record (including the current term). If you accumulate three or more failed/uncleared courses, you receive a decision of May not Proceed and are not permitted to proceed to the next academic term until you have reduced the number of uncleared courses. Normally you must reduce the number of failed courses to one before continuing in the program. You should contact your academic advisor for your specific situation.

Required to withdraw from engineering

You will receive this decision for a number of different reasons as listed in the undergraduate studies academic calendar under Engineering examinations and promotions academic decisions. The most common reasons are:

  • earning a term average below 50% in a given term, or
  • failing a course in a repeated term

In many cases you may apply for readmission as described in the undergraduate studies academic calendar. You should contact your academic advisor for additional information.

Undergraduate Class Schedules

Schedule of Classes

This is a useful tool when you are trying to enroll in extra courses, CSEs or TEs. Search timetables for instructor, location, times, dates, and enrollment totals.

Note: the correct term code needs to be chosen from the dropdown. There is a key above the dropdown to help you determine the correct code. e.g. 1201=Winter 2020

Final Exam Timetable