Europe landscape

So you're thinking about going on exchange ...

Waterloo Engineering has exchange agreements with over 60 institutions worldwide.

Step 1: Check your eligibility

Before going any further, check that you are eligible to apply for exchange.

Your engineering program will determine on which terms you may do an exchange:

  • Architecture - 3B only
  • Architectural - 3B only
  • Biomedical - 3A and/or 3B
  • Chemical - 3B only
  • Civil - 3B or 4A
  • Computer and Electrical - 3A and/or 3B; possibly 4A
  • Environmental - 3B or 4A
  • Geological - 3B or 4A
  • Management - 3A and/or 3B
  • Mechanical - 3A and/or 3B
  • Mechatronics - 3A or 3B (one only)
  • Nanotechnology - 3B
  • Software - 3A or 3B
  • Systems Design - 3B only


Temporary stream switches (sequence changes) may be possible in order to align with the partner school semesters dates. Be sure to talk with the staff in the Faculty Exchange Office about this.

Step 2: Choose an Exchange Destination and prepare your study plan

If you are eligible to go on exchange, then use Waterloo Passport to research potential exchange destinations. 

Also be sure to consider:

Language of instruction

Check the language of instruction at your preferred partner school(s) as not all partners teach in English and some language preparation may be needed.

Term dates

Term dates vary among our partner schools and often overlap with those at Waterloo. It is expected that you be present at your host school for the entire duration of their term, including exams. If the terms overlap, you will need to take a term off or arrange a shortened work term. Some schools offer early/alternative assessments that will allow you to return to Waterloo early and write a proctored exam in Waterloo, but this is NOT possible at all partners. Be sure to check the individual partner school information pages in Waterloo Passport as this is often noted there.

Courses while on exchange

Check the courses taken by other students in your program and those offered by your institution(s) of interest to help determine if a host school is a viable option, your ranking order in Waterloo Passport and potential course matches (that is, your Proposed Study Plan) with your Waterloo level (i.e. 3A, 3B, or 4A) before submitting your application. This helps determine whether you are able to remain on track to graduate with your class. The following restrictions may apply:

  • You may not be able to enroll in courses taken by students in prior years due to changes made at the host institution.
  • You may not be able to immediately enroll in missed required courses when you return to Waterloo due to class size limits.
  • By participating in an academic exchange, you accept the risk that you may not be on track to graduate with your class and may need an additional term to complete your degree requirements.

Use the proposed study plan form to plan for your exchange. Save this document as you'll need to submit it to your Exchange Course Coordinator if you are matched (see step 5 below). This may also help to determine if a partner school is a viable option for you as well as your ranking order when submitting your application in Waterloo Passport.

For partner schools that only allow a maximum of four (4) courses, you can consider taking an online course at Waterloo, or taking an additional online course through a Letter of Permission (LOP).

Note: Letters of Permission cannot be used to replace an entire academic term or in place of an exchange agreement.

Note for Chemical Engineering students: You must complete a preliminary course plan and submit it to Eline Boghaert for review.

Step 3: Attend a mandatory information session

All students considering an exchange term or two from Waterloo, MUST attend a mandatory information session offered by the Student Success Office on LEARN BEFORE an application can be submitted in Waterloo Passport.

Note: If you wish to go abroad for  two terms, you’ll select Fall and Winter in Waterloo Passport. Otherwise, you will choose the ONE semester you plan to attend the partner school.

Step 4: Submit your application in Waterloo Passport

When you've successfully completed the steps above, you're ready to submit your application  in Waterloo Passport.  Refer to How to Apply instructions. Important dates for submission according to term are posted on  Waterloo Passport as well as the Study Abroad site.

Note: If you wish to exchange for two terms, you’ll select Fall and Winter in Waterloo Passport. Otherwise, you will choose the ONE semester you plan to attend the partner school.

Step 5: Once you've been matched

Once you've been matched, you'll need to  finalize your proposed study plan form by submitting it to your home department Exchange Course Coordinator for review and, hopefully, approval. If this isn't done, you'll be at risk of not receiving credit for the courses taken while on exchange.

The course lists/schedules are available online for some host schools while others don’t publish until closer to the start of their term. This means you may have to make last-minute changes to your study plan close to the start of host school’s term or once you arrive at the host school but, this is okay and happens quite regularly. Be sure to inform your home department Exchange Course Coordinator of any changes to your Proposed Study Plan.

Also be sure to review Application Steps: Match Process and follow the advice of the Global Learning Coordinators in the Waterloo Go Abroad Office.

Connect with other exchangers

Join the two Facebook groups specifically for Waterloo exchangers: Waterloo Engineering Exchanges (to connect with other engineering students who have been on exchange and who are planning to go on exchange as well as students who are at Waterloo on exchange) and Go Abroad Waterloo.

Questions about going on exchange?

  • For general questions about engineering exchange, please contact the Faculty Exchange Office.
  • For questions relating to your academic program/courses while on exchange, please contact your home department Exchange Course Coordinator. They have program specific knowledge on how to meet your academic requirements for your program while on exchange.
  • For questions relating to specific host institutions, please contact the Global Learning Coordinators (GLCs) in the Study Abroad Office.