Biomedical Discussion Group: Dr. Ali Boolani Clarkson University, New York, USA

Postdoctoral Researcher Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and University of Toronto
Fellow of the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research
IP Series events are open to all UW faculty, staff, students and post docs. Registration is required to ensure there is enough pizza and pop for all!
Workshop are presented by WatCo and supported by the Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology (CBB), the Games Institute, and Cryptoworks21 at the University of Waterloo.
Speaker: Abdul Khalfan CQE, SSGB
Principal, Quality Assurance & Reliability Engineering Consulting Services
The central theme of ‘Basic Concepts of Quality’ is to imbed the fundamentals of ‘Quality’ concepts in everyday work life and in their interactions with the society at large.
Speaker: Carla Girolametto, Director of Innovation, Research and Clinical Trials at Grand River Hospital.
This talk will focus on Ethics and Regulatory aspects of conducting research in a clinical setting with the involvement of Human Participants: An interactive case study.
Speaker: Abdul Khalfan CQE, SSGB
Principal, Quality Assurance & Reliability Engineering Consulting Services
Speaker: Abdul Khalfan CQE, SSGB
Principal, Quality Assurance & Reliability Engineering Consulting Services
Speaker: Abdul Khalfan CQE, SSGB
Principal, Quality Assurance & Reliability Engineering Consulting Services