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Nasser Abukhdeir
Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Hydrodynamics of Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows
- Computational Methods in Engineering
- Topological optimization of structural analysis
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Nasser Abukhdeir
Gordon Agnew
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Cryptography and data security
- High speed communication networks
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Gordon Agnew
Sibel Alumur Alev
Associate Professor, Management Sciences
Research Expertise
- Hub location and hub network design
- Reverse logistics network design
- Location Analysis
- Network Design
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Sibel Alumur Alev
Joanne Atlee
Professor, Computer Science
Research Expertise
- Analysis of software requirements and specifications with computer-aided tools and techniques
- Configurable model-driven development (MDD)
- Practitioner-friendly specification and design notations that have precise semantics suitable for automated analysis
- Software modeling, model checking, documentation, and analysis
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Joanne Atlee
Lisa Aultman-Hall
Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research Expertise
- Transportation systems data collection and modeling
- Energy demand for electric vehicle charging
- Intercity travel and accessibility
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Lisa Aultman-Hall
Michael Barnett-Cowan
Associate Professor, Kinesiology
Research Expertise
- Vestibular (balance) system
- Object recognition
- Head movement and orientation
- Coordinated movement
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Michael Barnett-Cowan
Otman Basir
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Biologically inspired intelligent systems
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)/Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems
- Hybrid systems
- Intelligent embedded systems
- Sensory systems design
Centre for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (CPAMI)
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Otman Basir
Sanjeev Bedi
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- 5-Axis numerically controlled machining
- Automated polishing
- Complex curve machining methods: Principle Axis Method (PAM) and Multi-Point Method (MPM)
- Design of Numerical Control (NC) machines and controllers
- Efficient tool path planning
- Flank milling
- Gouge detection and avoidance mechanisms
- Machined surface evaluation
- Surface finish estimation
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Sanjeev Bedi
Elliot Biro
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Metallurgical Transformations During Welding
- Post-weld Properties
- Improving Weld Process Robustness (increasing Manufacturability)
- Effect Of Microstructure And Mechanical Property Hetrogenity On Weld Performance
- Physical Simulation Of The Welding Process
- Weld Defect Formation
- Welding Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS)
- Dissimilar Material Welding
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Elliot Biro
Jim Bookbinder
Professor, Management Sciences
Research Expertise
- Applied operations research
- Logistics/Inventory management
- Modes of transport and transportation systems
Waterloo Management of Integrated Manufacturing Systems (WATMIMS)
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Jim Bookbinder
Slim Boumaiza
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Advanced signal processing algorithms for wireless communication
- Cognitive and software defined radios (CR and SDR)
- Design of high power and spectrum efficient linear radio frequency amplifiers
- Hybrid Radio Frequency and Digital Signal Processing (RF/DSP) design of wireless communication transmitters
- Microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and systems design
- Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) transceiver schemes
- Nonlinear and linear radio frequency (RF) circuits and systems characterization and behavioural modeling
- Power amplifier and transmitter linearization techniques (Baseband and RF Digital Predistortion, Feed-forward)
- RF integrated circuits (CMOS)
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Slim Boumaiza
Catherine Burns
Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research Expertise
- Cognitive work analysis
- Ecological interface design
- Graphical interface design and visualization
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Catherine Burns
Clifford Butcher
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Fracture
- Formability
- Plasticity
- Micromechanics
- Computational Mechanics
- Automotive Metal Forming & Crash Simulations
- Advanced/Ultra High Strength Steels
- Aluminum alloys
- Magnesium alloys
- Warm Forming & Hot Stamping
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Clifford Butcher
Jack Callaghan
Professor, Kinesiology
Research Expertise
- Lower back pain and injury
Centre of Research Expertise for the Preventative of Musculoskeletal Disorders (CRE-MSD)
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Jack Callaghan
Claudio Cañizares
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Battery charging systems
- Network/distributed and web-based programming applications in power systems
- Nonlinear systems theory and its applications to electricity markets
- Optimal power management in competitive electricity markets
- Smart charging systems
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Claudio Cañizares
Jeff Casello
Professor, School of Planning
Research Expertise
- Application of geographic information systems (GIS) to urban area analysis
- Design and operation of public transportation systems, highway systems, and facilities for non-motorized modes of transport
- Development and implementation of utility-based multi-modal travel forecasting models
- Transportation and land use impacts
- Urban transportation systems
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Jeff Casello
Zhongwei Chen
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Advanced nanostructured conductive polymers
- Nanocomposite membranes for fuel cell and water purification
- Nanostructured fuel cell catalysts
- Synthesis, functionalization and fabrication of nanostructured materials
- Zeolite nanoparticles and membranes
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Zhongwei Chen
Perry Chou
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Biofuel production – including biohydrogen, biodiesel, and biobutanol
- Biomanufacturing
- Bioprocessing technologies
- Recombinant protein production
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Perry Chou
David Clausi
Professor, Systems Design Engineering
Research Expertise
- Computer vision
- Design and development of automated interpretation algorithms
- Digital image processing
- Pattern recognition
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David Clausi
Eric Croiset
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Emissions control using CO2 abatement technologies
- Hydrogen production
- Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) simulation and modeling
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Eric Croiset
Duane Cronin
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x32682
EC4 1157
Research Expertise
- Automotive crash and occupant simulation
- Automotive crashworthiness
- High-rate materials characterization
- Impact biomechanics
- Pipeline integrity
- Trauma prediction
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Duane Cronin
Mark Crowley
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty
- Big Data Analytics
- Optimization
- Reinforcement Learning
- Game Theory
- Autonomous and connected car
- Automotive
- Operational Artificial Intelligence
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Mark Crowley
Krzysztof Czarnecki
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Embedded systems and software
- Generative programming and model-based software development
- Software design
- Software system families and product lines
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Krzysztof Czarnecki
Oussama Damen
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Expertise
- Coding Theory
- Cross-layer optimization
- Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and space-time communications
- Multiuser detection
- Wireless communications
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Oussama Damen
Nancy Day
Professor, Computer Science
Research Expertise
- Development of automated and interactive formal methods tools
- Formal methods of system analysis
- Hardware verification
- Requirements specification and analysis
- Software Engineering
- System safety
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Nancy Day
Cecile Devaud
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Turbulent combustion modelling
- Emissions
- Auto-ignition
- Spray/mixing
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Cecile Devaud