Why did you join UW WELL-FIT?
I had just finished six months of chemo, and I was incredibly weak. I thought that if this program could help me feel strong and be active again, I need to do it. I wanted to rebuild confidence and a positive attitude— become the me I used to know.
How has the program helped you recover after treatment?
UW WELL-FIT not only helped me gain back my strength, but it helped me recover all the things that make life satisfying. I met some of the most spectacular people of my life through the program.
Every Tuesday after class we started going for coffee, a tradition that a still carries on to this day. Sometimes we talk about cancer, but most of the time we don’t. We talk about travels, grandchildren, what people are doing at this stage in their lives.
UW WELL-FIT helped me look forward rather than backwards.
What has the UW WELL-FIT experience meant to you?
I cannot imagine going through the experience of chemo and surgery without it. How would you rebuild yourself? How do you know what’s good for you and what’s not? The staff at UW WELL-FIT are terrific and their experience supports you through the recovery process. It’s just meant the world to me.
What advice would you give those facing a similar battle?
You can’t do it by yourself, at least I don’t think you can. If I just did my evening walks, it would have been pretty lonely, and not nearly as effective. I wouldn’t have had people to share the common experience with. People that help me know that there is more life around the corner, so go ahead and plan it.