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Zebra Mussel-inspired Electrically Conductive Polymer Nanofiber" by Professor Boxin Zhao
Seminar - “Colloidal Particles at the Interfaces: From Fundamentals to Functional Materials” by Dr. To Ngai, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong
ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of adsorption of colloidal particles at interfaces to stabilize the emulsions has been known for more than a century. Today, particle-stabilized emulsions, or so-called Pickering emulsions are receiving growing attention in the scientific and industrial communities. However, our fundamental understanding of the connection between particle properties and emulsion characteristics is still surprisingly poor.
Notice of PhD Oral Defence - "Material and Surface Properties of Bio-Inspired Polydopamine and its Modified Polypyyrole Functional Nancomposites" by Wei Zhang
Seminar - “Development of Hetero-Nanostructures with Multifunctional Properties”, Jin Zhang, PhD., Associate Professor, Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
ABSTRACT: Tailor-made nanosystem refers the integration of different components/materials at nanoscale which can show multi-functional and unique properties. Rational design and fabrication of such hetero-nanostructures are vital to break the boundaries of traditional technologies. One of Dr. Jin Zhang’s research interests lies in producing magnetic and optical hetero-nanostructures which show distinguish properties, and have been applied in various devices, e.g. data storage, sensors, etc.
Seminar - “Prussian Blue-Based Adsorbent for Drinking Water Production in Radio Contaminated Area” by Duu-Jong Lee, National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
ABSTRACT: Radiocesium (Cs) removal from tap waters was an emerging issue after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, during which a total of approximately 3.3×1016 Bq Cs was released to the environment. Radioactive fallout can lead to contaminated surface water and/or groundwater, eventually will enter drinking water production chain. Radioactivity in drinking water, even at low levels, can be harmful since the radiocesium can be bioaccumulated in body.
Seminar- “Hierarchically Structured Fuel Cell Catalysts: Materials Derived by Sacrificial Support Method (SSM)” by Plamen Atanassov, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
ABSTRACT: Nano-structured and hierarchically structured materials play a vital role in electrochemical power source technologies: batteries, super capacitors and fuel cells. They are becoming increasingly important in electrochemical synthesis technologies such as electrolysis, photolysis, CO2 electro-reduction and production of value added chemicals.