Chemical Engineering professors named as Highly Cited Researchers™

Thursday, November 28, 2024
a woman in glasses smiling

Professor Aiping Yu

Professors Aiping Yu and Michael Fowler have been named on the Highly Cited Researchers™ list from Clarivate. Researchers on that list have publications that rank in the top one percent of citations globally and are deemed influential in their respective fields.

Yu’s research expertise is in utilizing graphene for energy storage in Zinc-ion and Na-ion batteries to increase their energy and power density using 2D materials. As Director of the Applied Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory, she is also focused on lithium battery recycling. Yu is also researching carbon dioxide conversion, using electrochemical cells to turn CO2 into small-chain chemicals like methane.

Fowler’s research focuses on electrochemical energy storage, distributed energy (e.g., wind and solar), and large-scale systems supporting zero-emissions vehicles (ZEVs), including battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). His expertise is in optimizing energy systems using hydrogen, microgrids, powertrain configurations, and battery reliability.

Fowler’s research group integrates ZEVs into clean energy systems with renewables, hydrogen, and electricity. His research also covers battery testing, management systems (BMS), thermal systems, and metal-air batteries. Fowler is the director of the Green Energy and Fuel Cell Research Group.

Importantly both Yu and Fowler are members of the University of Waterloo’s newly established Ontario Battery and ElectroChemistry Research Centre (OBEC) which will play a crucial role in developing next-generation batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, sensors, hydrogen production and storage.  OBEC, whose membership includes eight chemical engineering faculty, will help train the workforce of tomorrow.

 Read more about electrochemical engineering research in our department.

a man with red hair smiling in a suit and tie

Professor Michael Fowler