Civil and Environmental Engineering Computing Committee CEECC

Civil and Environmental Engineering Computing Committee (CEECC)

Terms of reference


The CEECC serves as an advisory committee for Information Technology (IT) within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), on matters dealing with IT services for students, staff, and faculty. IT services include all IT resources required for CEE teaching, administration, and research. CEECC reports to the Department Chair.

Specific objectives:

1. Provide a forum for effective dialogue with relation to how IT services are provided within the department.

2. Review IT services, resources, policies, and best practices used by the department.

3. Assess and recommend changes or addition to the services, policies, and best practices for the future.

4. Report the reviews and recommendations of CEECC to the chair and department.

Committee membership:


Number of representatives

IT Staff (committee chair)

Kevin Rampersad's Portrait

Information Technology Manager

Kevin Rampersad


Phone: 519-888-4567 x43674

Location: E2 2341B

Group(s): staff→technical staff

Administrative / Technical Staff



Andrea Atkins


Andrea Atkins


Phone: 519-888-4567 X: 35803

Location: CPH 3611E

Group(s): discipline→structures, construction, and mechanics; faculty→faculty



Basheer Algohi


Location: CPH 3671

Faculty / Engineering Computing Committee member
Rebecca Saari

P.Eng., Associate Professor

Rebecca Saari


Phone: 519-888-4567 x30362

Location: E2 2324

Group(s): discipline→environmental and water resources; faculty→faculty

John Quilty

Assistant Professor

John Quilty


Group(s): discipline→hydrological and water resources; faculty→faculty

Graduate student members at large

Invited as needed

Undergraduate student members at large

Invited as needed

Members are expected to have the authority and responsibility to act on behalf of the constituent groups they represent and to involve those constituents to ensure effective communication and representation within CEECC. Members are also expected to take a broad and inclusive perspective for both their constituent group and the department of CEE as a whole. Members are expected to liaise with other individuals and groups to bring broader perspectives where doing so can better inform the deliberations of the committee. Members at large do not speak for a specific group but are asked are to provide a broad user perspective.