Editing websites on www.civil.uwaterloo.ca
Any web editing software is capable of editing web pages on the web server for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE). To do so, map the network share location of the website to be edited using the webserver's foldername (i.e. the remainder of the URL following "www.civil.uwaterloo.ca/"), along with your nexus credentials:
foldername: \\site.uwaterloo.ca\%foldername%
username: nexus\%youruserid%
For example, if your website address is http://www.civil.uwaterloo.ca/krampers
foldername: \\site.uwaterloo.ca\krampers
username: nexus\krampers
Off-campus editors must install the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client from the Waterloo web page before the above folder mapping will function.
Once the folder has been mapped, directing any web editing software to the mapped drive location will allow for the editing of web pages on the web server directly.
An alternate method is to make a local copy of the website first, then edit draft versions of web pages as necessary. Afterward, copy over the final version to the mapped drive to have it go live.
Web-page accounts on www.eng domain
Creating your web page on www.eng: When you create your Waterloo Nexus account, you get a home page on engineering's web server, www.eng.uwaterloo.ca. Place your Web pages in the *public_html folder on your N:\ drive*. Your Web address (URL) is: http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/~your_userid.
Editing your web page on www.eng: You can use the Nvu HTML editor (or any of the word processors) to edit your default web page. Your default home page must be called index.html.
Other ways of accessing your web page on www.eng: File transfer protocol (FTP) is disallowed from off campus, except through the Waterloo Nexus portal [encrypted via secure sockets layer (SSL)]. If you want to move more than one file at a time, you can use a secure FTP client to connect to engage.uwaterloo.ca.
Setting up scripts: You can run common gateway interface (CGI) scripts on your web account. These may be written in perl or any other language. Place your script in a directory called cgi-bin. Make sure your script works by running it by itself, and make sure it has public read and execute permissions. From your web page, access your script with the following URL: http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/your_userid/your_script_name. This makes the script run as your user identity (ID). Hypertext preprocessor PHP is also available on www.eng for server-side scripting purposes.