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Anne M. Allen

C.E.T., Technologist, Geotechnical Engineering
Anne Allen
519-888-4567 x43656
Location: DWE 1452
Link to profile: Anne M. Allen

Kenzie Bidwell Windwick

Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Location: E2 2327
Contact for: All Marketing, web and social media inquires, All Undergraduate and Graduate Recruiting.

Mandeep Chahil

Academic Services Coordinator - Architectural Engineering Undergraduate Program
Location: E2 2332
Contact for: Architectural Engineering enquiries


This position is responsible for providing academic and administrative support for the Architectural Engineering (AE) program, serving students, faculty, and staff.

Contact for:
•    AE undergraduate program inquiries and advising
•    AE marketing, communications, and recruitment

Personal email:

Jameson Detlor

Technologist, Architectural Engineering
Contact for: Architectural Engineering Technologist enquiries

Deepa Devaraj

Academic Services Coordinator - Master of Engineering (MEng) & Department Facilities
519-888-4567 x43502
Location: E2 2325
Contact for: MEng inquiries & Office Space, Keys, and FOBs


The Academic Services Coordinator - MEng & Department Facilities assists in the creation and deployment of a graduate recruitment strategy and supports research related communications and social media presence for the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering.

Contact for:

  • MEng program inquiries and advising
  • MEng marketing, communications, and recruitment
  • CEE student space inquiries including:
    • office space
    • keys
    • fobs

CEE student space inquiries:

Personal email: 


Jason Escobar

Financial Officer
519-888-4537 x40299
Location: E2 2329
Contact for: Expense or reimbursement inquiries


The Financial Coordinator performs a financial review, ensuring that funds are available and also ensures compliance with granting agency guidelines or sponsor regulations, research governance and University policies.

Isabelle Graansma

Technician, Structures, Materials, Concrete, and Fatigue
519-888-4567 x41072

Dana Herriman

Research Project Manager
519-888-4567 x32851
Location: DWE 2444

Mark Hummel

Technologist, Field Survey and Water Resources
Mark Hummel
519-888-4567 X: 43042
Location: DWE 1454

Robert Kaptein

Technologist, Structures, Materials, Concrete, and Fatigue
519-888-4567 X: 47150
Location: E3 2141A

Stephanie Kears

Academic Services Coordinator - Graduate Research Based Programs (MASc & PhD)
519-888-4567 x41927
Location: E2 2328A
Contact for: Masc. and PhD inquiries, Scholarship and award opportunities for research students


The Academic Services Coordinator - Graduate Research Based Programs performs a wide range of activities supporting all aspects of the graduate program, including, but not limited to, information and financial management, scholarship coordination and graduate student liaison.

Mark Merlau

Senior Technologist, Environmental Engineering
Mark Merlau
519-888-4567 x42908
Location: DWE 1448
Link to profile: Mark Merlau

Richard Morrison (on leave)

Technologist, Architectural Engineering
519-888-4567 x45834
Location: CPH 2375

Etta Ngo

Information Technology Technician
519-888-4567 X: 41236
Location: E2-2341C

Steven Ngo

Analytical Chemist
Steven Ngo
Location: DWE 2442

Izabela Polowa

Administrative Assistant
519-888-4567 x42139
Location: E2-2338


The Administrative Assistant manages the Departmental Main Office including the Chair’s office to facilitate the day-to-day operations.

Contact for:

  • Support for departmental faculty committee membership, tenure & promotion, faculty hiring, leaves and appointments
  • All Department Chair related meetings

Lorraine Quast

Administrative Officer
Lorraine Quast
519-888-4567 x42535
Location: E2 2331


The AO is responsible for departmental operations, including administrative, financial, and human resources management.

Contact for:

•    Department Budgeting and Operating expenses
•    Departmental Human Resources management
•    Departmental Strategic Initiatives and planning
•    Department Facilities and Space 

Kevin Rampersad

Information Technology Manager
Kevin Rampersad's Portrait
519-888-4567 x43674
Location: E2 2341B

Lisa Schneider

Academic Services Coordinator - Environmental & Geological Undergraduate Programs
Lisa Schneider
519-888-4567 x43464
Location: E2 2337
Contact for: Environmental & Geological Engineering undergraduate inquiries


This position is responsible for providing academic and administrative support for the Environmental Engineering (EnvE) and Geological Engineering (GeoE) programs, serving students, faculty, and staff.

Contact for:
•    EnvE and GeoE undergraduate programs inquiries and advising
•    EnvE and GeoE marketing, communications, and recruitment

Environmental Engineering inquiries:
Geological Engineering inquiries:

Personal email:

Mark Sobon

Senior Technologist, Environmental Engineering
Mark Sobon
519-888-4567 x45263
Location: DWE 1456

Shirley Springall

Academic Services Coordinator - Civil Undergraduate Program
Shirley Springall
519-888-4567 x46336
Location: E2 2333


This position is responsible for providing academic and administrative support for the Civil Engineering (CivE) program, serving students, faculty, and staff.

Contact for:
•    CivE undergraduate program inquiries and advising
•    CivE marketing, communications, and recruitment

Personal email:

Paul Thompson

Information Technology Specialist
Paul Thompson's Portrait
519-888-4567 x47182
Location: E2 2341A

Sonia Vintan

Academic Services Coordinator - Accreditation & Course Scheduling
Location: E2 2328
Contact for: All CEE program accreditation inquiries and course scheduling


The Academic Services Coordinator - Accreditation & Course Scheduling performs a variety of duties related to assessment and accreditation activities in support of continuous improvement, enhancement of performance and student learning outcomes.

Accreditation inquiries:
Scheduling inquiries:

Elanor Waslander

Knowledge Mobilization Manager (on secondment)
Elanor Waslander
Location: DWE 2442