Congratulations to the Award Winners 2018!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Award winners

Congratulations to all those honoured at the Annual Wine and Cheese Gathering!

The gathering began shortly after Sheila Ager's lecture, "Eve, Pandora, Cleopatra: Scapegoating women in Myth and History".  Following the lecture, the annual prizes for Classical Studies students were awarded.

The winners of prizes and scholarships for both graduate and undergraduate students were:

  • Julia Barclay (The Phyllis Young Forsyth Graduate Scholarship)
  • Elakkiya Sivakumaran (Anna Ager Memorial Scholarship in Classical Studies)
  • Caitlin Brast (The Phyllis Young Forsyth Senior Scholarship)
  • Allyson Dawe and Mae Fernandes (Classical Studies Scholarship for New Majors)
  • Claudia Cheng (The Donald C. Mackenzie Prize in Latin)
  • Mae Fernandes (S. B. P. Haag Junior Greek Language Prize)
  • Matt Coleman (The R. L. Fowler Greek Language Prize)
  • Brianna Mayo (Classical Studies Prize in Roman History)
  • Idees Sulaiman (Classical Studies Prize in Greek History)
  • Caitlin Brast (Classical Studies Prize in Visual/Material Culture)
  • Moira Scully and David Miles (Classical Studies Companion Prize)
  • Bjorn Bols (Classical Studies Essay Prize)
  • Zoen Snyder (Robert L. Porter Book Prize for Academic Achievement)
  • Moira Scully (Jacqui Spoth Greek Prize)
  • Sara Fontes and Moira Scully (Elwin N. Neuru MD Senior Latin Award)

Thank you to all the undergrads, graduates, faculty, staff, and alumni who came out to make the Wine and Cheese such a wonderful event!