The Department of Classical Studies, and the Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG), is proud to offer a Work Placement opportunity for our students. The successful candidate will work in Athens, Greece from ca. mid-January – mid-April as an intern at CIG. You will assist in running CIG’s office and library, along with helping out with various other duties. You will have the opportunity to live in a dynamic European capital, be part of the most vibrant Classics community in the world, and be able to visit all the locations that you’ve only read about in class.
Quote from Kyle Campbell - February 2013

Aside from visiting many places and working on my course, I met so many people from so many different backgrounds and learned so much about our world! I especially appreciated my time spent with the Norwegians and the Norwegian Institute, and of course the staff at CIG. They made me feel at home with them, and I managed to forge many great friendships.
Overall, I have come back changed from this experience. I feel enriched, and I am entirely grateful to the Classics and Anthropology Departments as well as CIG for offering students the possibility to experience such a spectacular journey.
Tusen takk, mine venner!"