Students may select courses from the following categories to fulfill the requirements of the Classical Studies program. Please read the Degree Requirements carefully to determine the number and type of courses required.
Not all courses are offered every year. This list is also subject to change. See the Undergraduate Calendar for complete degree requirements. Students are advised to consult the Classical Studies advisors for details when they register.
Classical Studies

- 100 Introduction to Classical Studies
- 103 Colossos - The Major Figures of Antiquity
- 104 Classical Mythology
- 105 Introduction to Medieval Studies (cross-listed with MEDVL 105)
- 123 Classical Studies in Pop Culture
- 201 Ancient Greek Society
- 202 Ancient Roman Society
- 205 Medieval Society (cross-listed with MEDVL 205)
- 210 History of Ancient Law (cros-listed with HIST 210/LS 235)
- 220 Philosophy of Friendship (cross-listed with PHIL 200J) 221 Archaeological Anthropology (cross-listed with ANTH 201)
- 230 Classical Roots of English Vocabulary
- 231 Survey of Greek Literature
- 232 Survey of Roman Literature
- 237 The Ancient Near East and Egypt (cross-listed with HIST 237)
- 241 Survey of Greek Art and Architecture (cross-listed with FINE 241)
- 242 Survey of Roman Art and Architecture (cross-listed with FINE 242)
- 251 Greek History (cross-listed with HIST 242)
- 252 Roman History (cross-listed with HIST 252)
- 261 Great Works: Ancient and Medieval (cross-listed with PHIL 283)
- 311 Sex and Gender in the Ancient World
- 321 Archaeology of Complex Cultures (cross-listed with ANTH 321)
- 325 Greek and Roman Religion (cross-listed with RS 315)
- 326 The Body, Dress, and Religion (cross-listed with RS 327/GSJ 327)
- 327 Astrology and Magic
- 331 Advanced Studies in Ancient Literature
- 341 Advanced Studies in Greek Art and Architecture (cross-listed with FINE 341)
- 342 Advanced Studies in Roman Art and Architecture (cross-listed with FINE 342)
- 351 Advanced Studies in Greek History
- 352 Advanced Studies in Roman History
- 361 History of Ancient Philosophy (cross-listed with PHIL 380)
- 384 Science and Technology in Ancient Greece and Rome
- 390 Classical Studies Abroad
- 461 Studies in Ancient Philosophy (cross-listed with PHIL 403)
- 486 Senior Seminar

- 101 Introductory Latin 1
- 102 Introductory Latin 2
- 201 Intermediate Latin
- 202 Selection from Latin Authors
- 331 Advanced Studies in Latin: Prose
- 332 Advanced Studies in Latin: Poetry
- 341 Advanced Studies in Latin: Selected Topics
- 351 Latin Composition, Grammar and Reading
- 381 Medieval Latin
- 421 Latin Epigraphy
- 422 Latin Palaeography
- 451 Senior Latin Composition, Grammar and Reading
- 490 Senior Studies in Latin: Selected Topics

- 101 Introductory Ancient Greek 1 (cross-listed with RS 101)
- 102 Introductory Ancient Greek 2 (cross-listed with RS 102)
- 105 Introductory Modern Greek
- 201 Intermediate Greek (cross-listed with RS 223)
- 202 Selections from Greek Authors (cross-listed with RS 224)
- 291 Intermediate Greek: Translation and Interpretation
- 331 Advanced Studies in Greek: Prose
- 332 Advanced Studies in Greek: Poetry
- 341 Advanced Studies in Greek: Selected Topics
- 351 Greek Composition, Grammar and Reading
- 421 Greek Epigraphy
- 451 Senior Greek Composition, Grammar and Reading
- 490 Senior Studies in Greek: Selected Topics