Study Abroad in Sicily with CLAS 390/695 (Spring 2018)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

CLAS 390 S18 Poster
Interested in seeing sites you’ve only heard about or dreamed of seeing? Join us as we explore the many places, stories, heroes, legends of Southern Italy and Sicily! This Spring Semester (2018) the Departments of Anthropology and Classical Studies will be conducting a study trip abroad to Italy with a focus on the sites and history of Southern Italy and Sicily (Magna Graecia). The final itinerary has yet to be set, but will likely include Morgantina, Selinunte, and a host of other selected sites in the Southern part of Italy. We will examine the various cultures of this time period – The Greeks, Italians, Carthaginians and more, their material production and their cultural output.

This course (ANTH 385/CLAS 390/CLAS 695 - 0.5 credit) will run from late April until late May (preparatory classes in late April, departure in early May, return in mid-late May). The final cost has yet to be determined, but in the past such courses have cost ca. $4000 CAD, which includes airfare, hotels (+ breakfast!) and several course related expenses (e.g.: bus rental). This does not include the cost of tuition, entrance fees, spending money, or money for food other than breakfasts.

Further details will be announced as soon as possible, but in the meantime ... if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Craig Hardiman ( Don’t hesitate – spaces are limited!

View the poster for CLAS 390/695 (PDF).