Ph. D., University of Tennessee
MA, Indiana University
BA in Anthropology, University of Tennessee
BA in Classics, King College in Bristol, Tennessee
Selected Publications
2013 - [with Susan Rotroff] “Des bébé dans un puits: un témoignage de l’abandon des nouveau-nés en Grèce hellénistique” ("The babies in the well: evidence of disposal of newborns in Hellenistic Greece"). Dossiers d'Archeologie 356:74-79.
In review - "Human Skeletons from the Athenian Agora Early Iron Age Cemeteries." In John K. Papadpoulos, ed., The Early Iron Age, Part 1: The Cemeteries. Excavations in the Athenian Agora.
Forthcoming in 2012 - [with Donald M. Haggis et al.] "The Excavation of Early Iron Age and Orientalizing Levels at Azoria in 2005-2006. Hesperia
Forthcoming in 2012 - [with Susan K. Smith] "Bones and Blades: skeletal and bronze evidence for warfare in Mycenaean Athens, Greece." In Angelos Papadapoulos, ed. Bronze Age Warfare in the Aegean.
2012 - "Reading the Bones: Interpreting the Skeletal Evidence for Women's Lives in Ancient Greece." In S.A. James and S. Dillon, eds. A Companion to Women in the Ancient Mediterranean. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
2009 - [with Leslie Preston Day] "It Does Take a Brain Surgeon: A Successful Trepanation from Kavousi, Crete and the Identification of Associated Surgical Instruments," In C. Bourbou, S. Fox, eds. New Directions in the Skeletal Biology of Greece. OWLS (Occasional Wiener Laboratory Supplements) American School of Classical Studies, Princeton, NJ.
2007 - Secondary cremation burials at Kavousi Vronda, Crete: Symbolic representation in mortuary practice.Hesperia 76(1):57-71.
2004 - [with John Papadopoulos] The Rich Athenian Lady was Pregnant: The Anthropology of an Early Iron Age Tomb Reconsidered. Hesperia 73:7-38.
2003 - [with Mextaxia Tsipopoulou and Lucia Vagnetti] New Evidence for the Dark Ages in Eastern Crete: An Unplundered Tholos Tob at Vasiliki. Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 45:85-124.
2001 - [with B.J. Baker et al.] Repatriation and the Study of Human Remains. In Repatriation, Native Americans, and American Archaeology: A Reader, pp. 69-98> edited by Tamara L. Bray. New York: Garland.
1996 - [with B.J. Baker] Reconstructing the Massacre at Fort William Henry. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 6:28-41.
1995 - Report on the Human Skeletal Remains. In Metaxia Tsipopoulou and Lucia Vagnetti, Achladia: Scavi e ricerche della Missione Graeco-Italiana in Creta Orientale (1991-1993). Instituto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, Rome: Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale.
1994 - [with B.J. Baker] Military Burials at Fort William Henry. In Archaeology of the French and Indian War: Military Sites of the Hudson River, Lake George, and Lake Champlain Corridor, edited by David R. Starbuck. Adirondack Community College.
1993 - Osteological Appendix. In The Early Minoan Burial Cave at Ayios Antonios and some problems in Early Bronze Age Chronology in Eastern Crete, edited by D.H. Haggis. Studi Micnei ed Egeo-Anatolicie XXXI.