Ming Yu elected fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering
Ming Yu, an electrical and computer engineering professor, has been elected a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, recognized for his outstanding abilities.
Ming Yu, an electrical and computer engineering professor, has been elected a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, recognized for his outstanding abilities.
Receiving a DAS grant of $120,000 is Lin Tan, an electrical and computer engineering professor, who is generating novel program repair techniques that automatically generate fixes for real-world bugs. Please read the full university news release.
The Amit and Meena Chakma Award for Exceptional Teaching by a Student was given to Adam Neale at convocation on June 13.
A paper by ECE MASc student, Jonathan Shahen, professor Jianwei
Niu of the University of Texas-San Antonio, and ECE professor Mahesh Tripunitara has been awarded "Best paper runner up" at the ACM
Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT), 2015. The paper is titled "Mohawk+T: Efficient Analysis of Administrative Temporal Role-Based Access Control (ATRBAC) Policies".
Electrical and Computer Engineering professor Manoj Sachdev has been named fellow by the Engineering Institute of Canada. Dr. Sachdev received the prestigious recognition at the institute’s annual awards banquet on May 26.
Mostafa Farrokhabadi, a PhD student with the department of electrical and computer engineering is one of three students on campus to receive the 2015 Amit and Meena Chakma Award for Exceptional Teaching by a Student.
Eight research partnerships between Waterloo Engineering professors and industries are benefiting from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Strategic Project Grant funding. Announced March 16, the financial support across campus includes $5.3 million for strategic project grants and $9.6 million through the federal Research Support Fund for 2014-2015.
The 45th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL) will be coming to Waterloo in May. The symposium, which covers aspects of multiple-valued logic and soft computing, attracts researchers from around the world in fields ranging from discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science to microelectronic circuits and emerging devices.
Eight Waterloo Engineering researchers are among the 11 campus-wide to receive $5.3 million in funding from the Natural Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to work with industry on strategic research.
Safieddin Safavi-Naeini, an electrical and computer engineering professor, became an IEEE Fellow at the beginning of January for his contributions to gigahertz to terahertz integrated antenna systems.