Awards database: search results

Our Awards Database helps current and future Waterloo graduate students to identify funding opportunities. Details on awards, bursaries and other scholarships administered through Waterloo are found within. Students are advised to check the database often as changes to award information including eligibility criteria, award value, application process, deadlines and the availability of funds can occur at any time.

It is strongly recommended that you use quotations around key words of two or more in order to generate accurate results, e.g. use “day care bursary” instead of day care bursary.

Displaying 76 - 100 of 166

This award was created to celebrate David Johnston’s pivotal contributions to Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at University of Waterloo, his passion for leadership and his enthusiasm for...

These awards are supported by a variety of sources including the Bell Family Fund and Industry Canada. The awards are made to graduate students entering studies in quantum information at the...

A scholarship, valued at up to $1,700, will be awarded annually to a full-time international graduate student enrolled in the doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering. Selection is based on...

This scholarship has been established by Dr. Norman W. McLeod, FRSC, in honour of his wife, Irene Marguerite McLeod. It will be awarded annually, if suitable candidates exist, for postgraduate...

Open to any graduate of the University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering or Conestoga College undergraduate program. This scholarship will be awarded to a student undertaking Master's research in...

The J. Alan George Student Leadership Award is presented to an entering graduate student, chosen from among students within three terms of first receipt of a Provost Doctoral Entrance Award for...

An award, valued at up to $2,000, is given annually to a graduate student enrolled in Civil Engineering who demonstrates a commitment to Construction or Project Management through course work,...

Two awards, valued at $5,000 each, will be provided annually to undergraduate or graduate students participating in Concept or Velocity programing at the University of Waterloo. Preference will be...

This scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student who holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in...

An Award of at least $1000 will be awarded annually to a full-time or part-time graduate student who has completed their degree requirements from a fully online graduate degree program. Selection...

An award valued at $4000, is provided annually to a graduate student enrolled in the Master's of Engineering (MEng) degree, Master of Applied Science (MASc) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs...

This award has been established in memory of Jim and Diane Ohi. Jim was a graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering; Diane was a graduate of the Systems Design Engineering program....

One scholarship valued at $5,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student whose research is in the fields of fluvial geomorphology, river and stream processes, or...

The Jon W. Mark Graduate Scholarship in Communication at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is established to honor the significant accomplishments and contributions of Dr. Mark...

A scholarship, valued at $4000, will be provided annually to a full-time doctoral student enrolled in their second year in the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering who...

One scholarship, valued at $5,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in any year of the master’s program in the School of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering...

An award, valued at $1,500, will be awarded annually to a graduate student registered full-time in the first year of a master's program in the Faculty of Engineering. Candidates must be in good...

A scholarship valued at $10,000 is provided annually to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering on the basis of academic excellence (...

This annual award has been established in memory of Laurence Hamlin, BASc 94, MASc 96 (Civil), in recognition of the significant contributions to classroom teaching being made by graduate students...

An award, valued at $5,000, will be presented annually to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in any year of the undergraduate or master’s program in the School of Architecture...

The endowment was established from revenues generated by an international biotechnology conference for which Dr. Murray Moo-Young served as Vice-Chair of the organizing committee. One or more...

The Mackenzie King Scholarships were established as an independent trust under the will of the late Rt. Hon. William Mackenzie King (1874-1950).

Two classes of Mackenzie King Scholarship...

A scholarship, valued at $50,000 will be provided to one graduate student registered full-time in a doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering. The scholarship will be paid to the student...

The MME Graduate Association Symposium Award is provided annually to students registered in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the...

The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and the University of Waterloo are pleased to announce annual Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Fellowships to be awarded to international graduate students...
