A few tips for health and wellness during the holidays

This time of year may be a time for celebration, but it can also be incredibly stressful - for everyone. Work load, parties, and family/friend obligations not to mention shopping lists can sometimes tip us over the edge.

Most employees report being happier during the holiday season; however, some report that they are more stressed this time of year. Balancing work responsibilities with holiday events appears to be the biggest stressor.

Some tips to remember:

  • Be choosy about splurges: Get selective about what and when you treat yourself. Exercise portion control and eat healthy.
  • Eat regularly: It can keep your blood sugar levels and appetite stable throughout the day.
  • Keep eating those veggies and fruit: Not only are they a healthy thing but they help to fill you up.
  • Drink plenty of water: Holiday foods can be filled with lots of salt and temptation. Hydration helps curb sugar cravings and often prevents overeating.
  • Beware of beverages: Alcohol can lessen inhibitions and lead to poor eating choices. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages can be full of calories. Try alternating between alcohol and water. You will enjoy yourself and still fee great in the morning.
  • Prevent illness: Wash your hands often.
  • Routines count: Keep your routine where/when possible
  • Think before you spend: "Can I afford it?" "Will it be perfect?" This will help make the New Year a happier time with less bills.
  • Stay active: Do not forget to remain active whether that is at the gym, walking the dog, or last minute shopping. Steps count.
  • Prioritize sleep: Do not stay up late every night. Try to stick to a healthy sleep schedule.
  • Reduce stress (when possible): Holidays can be overwhelming with all the social gatherings. Take time for you to unwind and restore your peace of mind.