A site to house links to external sites providing information on health and well being.

Workplace Strategies for Mental Health

The Benefits of Meditation

Be a Donor Month

Did you know, April is Be a Donor Month?

Just alone in Ontario, there are over 1,500 people in need of an organ transplant. Let’s take this opportunity to learn more about how we can become an organ and tissue donor for someone in need or how we can help spread the word to encourage Ontarians to donate. Click here for more information.

A few tips for health and wellness during the holidays

This time of year may be a time for celebration, but it can also be incredibly stressful - for everyone. Work load, parties, and family/friend obligations not to mention shopping lists can sometimes tip us over the edge.

Most employees report being happier during the holiday season; however, some report that they are more stressed this time of year. Balancing work responsibilities with holiday events appears to be the biggest stressor.

World Hypertension Day

May 17 is World Hypertension Day. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) is a common condition affecting 17.7% of Canadians aged 12 and older. A blood pressure value of 140/90 mmHg is considered high. If untreated, hypertension can cause death or serious health consequences such as heart attack, stroke, dementia, kidney failure, and vision loss.

Final 2018 Nutrition Month column

Today is my final Nutrition Month 2018 column. Thank you to those who have taken an interest and also to readers who took the time to email me. I hope you learned an interesting nutrition or food fact or that you may stop to question the source of something you hear or read about in the future.

Myth: It’s hard to avoid food waste

Truth: We all have good intentions at the grocery store - nobody likes to throw away food that didn't get used in time. Yet almost half of all food waste generated in Canada originates from individual households. This mainly comes from food items we purchase with every intention of using but never do. Food waste costs the average Canadian household $1456 per year or $364 per person.

Myth: Pink Himalayan sea salt is better for you than table salt

Truth: This trendy gourmet salt derived from ancient sea beds is everywhere. And so is the hype about its benefits, including that it is rich in health-promoting trace minerals and "vibrational energy."  Despite its inviting signature pale pink-coral colour that is the result of a smidgeon of trace minerals (and possible contaminants), there is no truth to any of the pseudoscience claiming it is a healthier seasoning option.

Myth: Eating disorders affect mainly teenage girls

Truth: This is one of the many myths about eating disorders. While some people may be at higher risk, these serious and complex illnesses can affect anyone - they occur across genders, all ages, cultures and socioeconomic groups. Eating disorders are life threatening and have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. They are treatable and full recovery is possible, but getting help is extremely important.

Myth: Eating after a certain time will make you gain weight

Truth: Eating in the evening can lead to weight gain, but it's not due to the time on the clock. Large evening meals or late night snacking can add more calories than your body needs in a day, especially if you're mindlessly munching on sugary, salty or high fat treats or drink sweetened beverages. Eating too much at night can also disrupt sleep or give you heartburn. Before you automatically head to the kitchen for a snack when you're relaxing, watching a show or studying, stop to consider if you are truly hungry or, instead, are bored, tired or stressed. 

Myth: Plant-based milk alternatives are better for you than cow’s milk

Fact: Cow's milk contains 16 essential nutrients including calcium, vitamin D, vitamin A, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B 12, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and protein.