Posts for the Topic Trends

A site to house links to external sites providing information on health and well being.

Myth: Pink Himalayan sea salt is better for you than table salt

Truth: This trendy gourmet salt derived from ancient sea beds is everywhere. And so is the hype about its benefits, including that it is rich in health-promoting trace minerals and "vibrational energy."  Despite its inviting signature pale pink-coral colour that is the result of a smidgeon of trace minerals (and possible contaminants), there is no truth to any of the pseudoscience claiming it is a healthier seasoning option.

Myth: Drinking kombucha tea has proven health benefits

Fact: This trendy, effervescent, fermented drink is made with black tea, sugar, yeast and bacteria. Kombucha tea enthusiasts claim that it has a wide range of health benefits such as aiding digestion, improving energy, strengthening immunity, preventing cancer and improving liver function. It is available commercially or can be brewed at home using a kombucha culture which is added to tea and allowed to ferment.