IQC-QuICS Math and Computer Science Seminar
Non-commutative Nullstellensatz and Perfect Games
Adam Bene Watts, University of Waterloo
Non-commutative Nullstellensatz and Perfect Games
Adam Bene Watts, University of Waterloo
Quantum Physical Unclonable Functions and Their Comprehensive Cryptanalysis
Mina Doosti, University of Edinburgh
Quantum Information in Relativity: Measurements and Causality
Divide-and-conquer method for approximating output probabilities of constant-depth, geometrically-local quantum circuits
Nolan Coble, University of Maryland, College Park
Quantum Computational Particle Physics
Optimal Theory Control Techniques for Nitrogen Vacancy Ensembles
Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) Centers in diamond are a very versatile tool. A single Nitrogen Vacancy center is most notably known for sensing magnetic fields, but recently has presented itself as a functional node for a quantum internet, to name just two of its wide ranges of applications.
A direct product theorem for quantum communication complexity with applications to device-independent QKD
Srijita Kundu, University of Waterloo
Quantum science and technology is rapidly accelerating globally and is strategically important to Canada. Canada has a strong, growing coast-to-caost quantum community spanning from academia to government laboratories and industry.ude talks by prominent speakers, panel discussion, and networking events enmabling Canadians to showcase excellence in their fields. This three-day event brings Canada's quantum community together to enable awareness and collaboration across the industry.
Speakers from the Institute for Quantum Computing include faculty members:
Observation and manipulation of a phase separated state in a charge density wave material
We examine the distribution over measurement outcomes of noisy random quantum circuits in the low-fidelity regime. We will show that, for local noise that is sufficiently weak and unital, the output distribution p_noisy of typical circuits can be approximated by F*p_ideal + (1−F)*p_unif, where F is the probability that no local errors occur, p_ideal is the distribution that would arise if there were no errors, and p_unif is the uniform distribution.