Farzad Qassemi: perfect squeezing by damping modulation in circuit QED
Farzad Qassemi, Université de Sherbrooke
Farzad Qassemi, Université de Sherbrooke
Kristan Temme, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Linmei Liang, National University of Defense Technology, China
Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll, Instituto de Física Fundamental
Igor Radchenko, Russian Academy of Sciences
Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Institute for Quantum Computing
Chris Herdman, The University of Vermont
Nicolas Menicucci, The University of Sydney
Quantum simulation proposes to use future quantum computers to calculate properties of quantum systems. In the context of chemistry, the target is the electronic structure problem: determination of the electronic energy given the nuclear coordinates of a molecule. Since 2006 we have been studying quantum approaches to quantum chemical problems, and such approaches must face the challenges of high, but fixed, precision requirements, and fermion antisymmetry.
The manipulation and detection of individual quantum excitations forms the basis of modern quantum physics experiments. However, most of these experiments have been restricted to systems composed of only a few particles.