Building the source for quantum encryption: A perfect proposal
The future is quantum, and it needs to be “perfect” if we are going to trust our security and data with it.
The future is quantum, and it needs to be “perfect” if we are going to trust our security and data with it.
L’avenir est quantique, et il doit être « parfait » si nous devons y investir notre sécurité et nos données.
The Quantum Shorts film festival is delighted to announce its three top prize winners, selected from a shortlist of ten incredible short films inspired by quantum physics. The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), is a scientific partner of the festival.
Le festival Quantum Shorts du court métrage quantique a le plaisir d’annoncer les gagnants de ses 3 principaux prix, choisis parmi les 10 courts métrages remarquables finalistes inspirés par la physique quantique. L’Institut d’informatique quantique (IQC) est un partenaire scientifique du festival.
Angela Mondou, author, entrepreneur and founder of ICE Leadership Inc., shared her insight into technology commercialization at the CryptoWorks21 Distinguished Lecture March 12.
Dans une conférence éminente CryptoWorks21 qu’elle a prononcée le 12 mars, Angela Mondou, auteure, entrepreneure et fondatrice d’ICE Leadership inc., a fait part de ses idées sur la commercialisation de la technologie.
Lindsay Babcock, Katanya Kuntz, Sebastian Slaman, and Ramy Tannous of the Quantum Photonics Lab, led by Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) researcher Thomas Jennewein, designed and constructed a working portable demonstration of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). The QKD demo used hardware components designed by Excelitas Technologies, an industry partner who provides customized optoelectronics and advanced electronic systems.
Lindsay Babcock, Katanya Kuntz, Sebastian Slaman, et Ramy Tannous du Laboratoire de photonique quantique, sous la direction de Thomas Jennewein, chercheur à l’Institut d’informatique quantique (IQC), ont conçu et réalisé une démonstration portable de distribution quantique de clés (DQC). L’appareil de démonstration faisait appel à des composantes conçues par Excelitas Technologies, partenaire industriel qui fournit des systèmes personnalisés d’optoélectronique et d’électronique avancée.
Researchers at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) performed the first demonstration of quantum-enhanced noise radar, opening the door to promising advancements in radar technology.
The researchers showed how the quantum process can outperform a classical version of the radar by a factor of 10, enabling the detection of objects that are faster, smaller, or further away – all while making the radar less detectable to targets.
Researchers at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), led by faculty member Michael Reimer, have developed a new quantum sensor based on semiconductor nanowires that can detect single particles of light with high speed, timing resolution and efficiency over an unparalleled wavelength range, from ultraviolet to near-infrared.